原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-11-29 14:13 发表 A failure shows only one thing: that our determination to succeed was not strong enough. 失败只说明一个问题: 我们对于成功的决心还不够强烈。
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-11-30 14:17 发表 She both have good brain and beauty 她才貌双全
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-4 09:59 发表 If you treasure your own value,you must create value for the world 如果你珍爱自己的价值,你就必须给世界创造价值
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-5 08:55 发表 Man are all alike in the promises,it is only in their deeds that is they differ. 人们的承诺不相上下,只有行动才能显出差异
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-8 16:42 发表 Relax! When things appear at their bleakest, your life is just about to take a turn for the better. 放松!当情况显得凄凉、绝望的时候, 你的生活即将出现转机。----柳暗花明又一村
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-9 15:45 发表 We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future 我们不能总是为我们的青年造就美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。 ...
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-14 14:44 发表 Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all yourenergy on a settarget. 把所有精力集中在你的目标上,你将充满力量!
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-17 10:00 发表 Only the person with perseverance and strong determination can be successful. 有恒心,有强烈的企图心,方能成功
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-15 09:23 发表 Good habits are the most valuable asset in life. 好习惯是最有价值的财产。
原帖由 jessesn 于 2007-12-25 17:02 发表 Time heals all wounds 时间可以治愈一切伤口
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