其他 --- 设计十原则(请英语好手翻译下):

21296 vivian 发表于 2009-3-28 15:25:20 楼主
1. Good Design is innovative It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions. 2. Good Design makes a product useful A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product. 3. Good Design is aesthetic The aesthetic quality of a product – and the fascination it inspires – is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring to have to put up with products that are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unable to relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to talk about anything visual, since words have a different meaning for different people. Secondly, aesthetic quality deals with details, subtle shades, harmony and the equilibrium of a whole variety of visual elements. A good eye is required, schooled by years and years of experience, in order to be able to draw the right conclusion. 4. Good Design helps a product be understood It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory and saves you the long, tedious perusal of the operating manual. 5. Good Design is unobtrusive Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained leaving room for the user’s self-expression. 6. Good Design is honest An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does not have – being more innovative, more efficient, of higher value. It must not influence or manipulate buyers and users. 7. Good Design is durable It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated. 8. Good Design is thorough to the last detail Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user 9. Good Design is concerned with environment Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment. 10. Good Design is as little design as possible Back to purity, back to simplicity.
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关于¥ 发表于 2009-3-28 19:39:08


1. 好的设计是具有创新性的 它不抄袭现有的产品形式. 创新的本质须在产品的所有方面得到体现. 这方面的考虑决不能轻视?. 科技的发展一直在给予创新以机会. 2. 好的设计必须是使用的 一个产品就是买来使用的. 它必须有一个明确的目的,无论是主要功能还是辅助功能. 设计中最重要的工作就是将产品的实用性最优化. 3. 好的设计是具有美感的 一件产品的感官质量和它所散发出的魅力是它实用性的一个主要体现. 毋庸置疑,当一件产品是混乱的或让你不安的或是让你不能适应时,你将肯定无法忍受。但是,对感官质量一直就存在争议,原因有两点: 第一,对视觉上的东西很难用言语形容,因为对不同的人有不同的意思。 第二,感官质量包括细节处理、精妙的色调、不同视觉元素的协调和均衡。要作出正确的判断必须拥有一双慧眼---需要经由多年的训练和经验. 4. 好的设计帮助一件产品更易被理解 设计阐明产品的结构。较好的设计能让产品自己表达。而更好的设计是不需要说明的,它能节省你冗长枯燥的读操作手册的时间。 5. 好的设计是不具有妨碍性的 工具的设计需要满足这条准则. 它们不是装饰品也不应该是艺术品。它们的设计是中立的,并且应为使用者自己留有空间。 6. 好的设计是真诚的 一件真诚的产品决不能声明自己具有它本没有的特点,譬如多么的创新、多么的高效、多么的有价值。它决不能影响和操纵购买者和使用者。 7. 好的设计是耐久的 没有什么流行明天是会落伍的. 这是好的设计产品和那些专为制造垃圾的社会所生产的产品的最大不同。浪费决不能容忍。 8. 好的设计全面到细节 在使用者看来,设计的全面性和准确性和产品以及它的功能是同义的。 9. 好的设计是符合生态学的 设计必须是环保的并且有远见的使用原材料。这就意味着不仅要考虑实际的污染还要考虑视觉污染和我们的环境保护。 10. 好的设计应该尽可能的简单 回归自然,回归朴素
 楼主| vivian 发表于 2009-3-28 19:58:54

回复 2楼 关于¥ 的帖子

:playUp 關於你好厲害。
会飞的沙发 发表于 2009-4-2 15:27:18
:down 可是没有完美的,我们只能追求完美
dan880628 发表于 2009-4-25 22:21:23
damahaa 发表于 2010-9-15 18:23:57
llgwxj123 发表于 2010-9-17 22:10:13
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