其他资料 --- Best of January 2009

 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:26:01
Fat Before a Visit to the Loo, Skinny AfterYou know they say you’re a few pounds lighter after a seated visit to the loo, it’s true. Designer Haikun Deng designed a toilet seat with a built-in digital scale but her rationale behind its conception is a bit counter productive. It’s designed for women who are constantly monitoring their weight. The need to feel skinny is satisfied every time they finish the “doo.” I have 2 concerns. Should we really be designing products to reinforce people’s self doubts and esteem problems? Secondly I thought you could only get an accurate weight reading standing up or completely suspended. Actually I just thought of a 3rd concern. The protagonist in Haikun’s illustrations is clearly skinny. She shouldn’t be worried about being fat. See, SEE what the media is doing to us! Now excuse me while I go on a food binge. Designer: Haikun Deng
 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:27:06
Condom Protects You From Viruses!Ding ding, yes it’s true. Condoms can significantly reduce the likelihood of you catching some nasty virus except this condom is designed for the digital kind. Computer viruses are just as virulent as the biological variety, just as insidious, and just as detrimental. The Condom USB is a device that acts as a stopgap between any USB enabled device and your computer. As soon as the Condom USB detects a virus, built-in software shuts off USB access, verifies the problem, removes the nasty bug, then reopens the communication bridge to your computer. Snazzy but would this really work in the real world? Designer: Ko Yang
 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:28:02
Car Enthusiats Now Frugal with WaterWater conservation is still one of the easiest ways to save energy (yes energy!) and preserve our planet. Fresh water only accounts for 3% of all water on Earth but 1% of it is frozen so in that sense, it’s quite rare. The +Shifter faucet uses the perception of a car’s gearbox to change how much water we use. Instead of changing gear ratios, each position correlates to how much water flows out. The design is sleek and minimal, somewhat reminiscent of a luxury sports car. Everything from the brushed black metal to the copper faceplate screams “I’m expensive!” However designer Shen Di doesn’t mention how it controls temperature. Inquiring minds would like to know. Designer: Shen Di
 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:29:19
Blow Up Balloons To Clear Up Stank OdorsFresh Blow is a product designed to replace boring mundane air fresheners with something fun and energetic! You blow up a balloon thru an aromatic capsule and release it. As the balloon whizzes around frantically, fresh aromatics fill your room. There are other ways to use Fresh Blow too (seriously that name has me thinking of other things). When you need an instant pick me up, twist open the capsule and take a direct hit, getting a full whiff to awaken your senses. There’s even a time release option by letting the balloon slowly deflate with the capsule still attached ensuring freshness throughout the day along with that slight whistle that sounds like farts. Designer: Moonhwan Lee
 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:32:41
A Little Bit of College Ruled GeniusBy our friend and returning Yanko champion, Sherwood Forlee. Check out the simplicity. Just punch out the corner, make a cut or two, fold back, and POW! You are green. You are sooo green. And Sherwood told us to make sure to mention that the money you save on staples is money you should spend on something totally nice for yourself. So, you know what to do! Get out there and kick-start the economy! That Forlee, always thinking with his heart. Visit his portfolio or click below to see the other things by SF that have been featured on Yanko Design. Designer: Sherwood Forlee
 楼主| Tonway 发表于 2009-2-3 11:34:15
My Alarm Clock is Not a Movie or MaybeDescribed by its designers as an attempt to change our perception of time with a good dose of minimalism, the Minutuner is as simple as an alarm clock can get. Obviously influenced by a perception of time as a linear flow, it brings to mind the progress bars below our everpresent online video players, contextualizing our lives as finite things to be lived well and with no regrets. While not immediately available, it’s looking for partners in production, so keep your fingers crossed. Designer: Antrepo Design Industry
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