资料 --- rhino插件资源

 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:11:56

ProtoWizard STL to NC File (插件)

Matrix Version 5 Matrix 3D Jewelry Design Software (插件)

TechGems 4.0 Jewelry Toolbar Library and Tools (插件)

4D_Projects 1.0 (release 1 Nov 2006) (免费) To estimate the Weight and Many more.... (插件)

Jewelry Plug-in (免费) Jewelry Tools for Rhino4 (插件)

Truffle Maker (免费) Plug-in for a 3 stone setting Rhino 3.0 (插件)

Eureka Jewelry Design Tools (Toolbar Layout)

RhinoCastInfo Version 1.6 for Rhino 4.0 Support for Casting (Companion with Rhino support)

Cimagrafi Artistic Cad Cam (Companion without 3DM Support)

Files a disposizione -Downloadable files (免费) Modelli orafi - Jewelry models (Online Tutorial)

Eternity Band Ring & SLC File Format (免费) Learn how to model an Eternety Band Ring (Online Tutorial)

3dmodels4download.com downloadable library / jewelry models (服务)

Cad Files To Go Tutorials, Cad Files, Manufacturing (服务)

CAD/CAM Solution for the Jewelry Trade One stop shop for your designing needs (服务)

Edgar_G Jewelry 3D Modeling (服务)

I.D - 3D services Design and production of 3D objects (服务)

JDK Jewelry Design CAD Jewelry Design/CNC Milling Services (服务)

Rhino Modeling Service Rhino Models (服务)

RP Jewelry models and production rp model service bureau - high res (服务)

Best-Cast Rapid Prototyping with Perfactory, Viper (服务)

Tech-Designs CAD Jewelry designs (服务)

WBC3D .COM 3D PRINTING overnight (服务)

Claudio Gussini DESIGN service for jewel manufacturers (服务)


3DRingFile.com a huge library of 3D jewelry files (服务)

CAD Wax - Rapid prototyping Entwicklung und Herstellung von Schmuck (服务)

Direct cast models for jewelers Twp on-site rp machines for direct cast (服务)

New! Jewelry Equipement Sales and Modelmaking Training, sales, Modelmaking Services (服务)

New! ModelMaking Jewelry Modelmaking,Cad Cam (服务)


Virtual Jewelry Manifacturing Mold Masters (服务)

X-trusion 3D Design for jewelers (服务)

Roland JWX-10 Jewelry Model Maker (硬件)


Milling Machine Milling Machines for use with Rhino (硬件)

166 Free Rhino 3D Jewelry Models (免费) Mostly Diamond Rings, Professional Stuff (Useful Link)

3D Personal Jewelry (免费) (Useful Link)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:12:24

RhinoMarine Hydrostatics & Stability Hydrostatics & Stability Calculations (插件)

RhinoStatics Hydrostatics in Rhinoceros 2.0 (插件)

RhinOffsets Automate Tables of Offsets in Rhino (插件)

RhinoMarine Sections (formerly Slicer) Cuts cross-sections through your model (插件)

Excel Points to Lines Drawing Plug-In (免费) Excel Points to Rhino Polylines (插件)

RhinoLR Linear Regression Analysis in Rhino 2.0+ (插件)

FastShip NURBS-based Hullform Design & Fairing (Companion with 3DM Support)

ShipConstructor Complete ship production software suite (Companion with 3DM Support)

Deadweight (免费) 2D / 3D GHS model viewer (Companion with 3DM Support)

Maxsurf Naval architecture software (Companion with 3DM Support)

GHSView View GHS files and save to DXF format (Companion with Rhino support)

PropCad Propeller design tool from HydroComp (Companion with Rhino support)

PROLINES 3D NURBS Hull Design and Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)

Autoship naval architecture hull design program (Companion without 3DM Support)

GHS General Hydrostatics (Companion without 3DM Support)

ProSurf Hull design, fairing, and calc program (Companion without 3DM Support)

WINGS 32 Keel and Rudder Design and Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)

Rapid Hull Modeling (免费) shareware methodology with tutorial (服务)

Polyworx Controlled Vacuum Infusion and RTM (Useful Link)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:12:43

Alibre Design For Rhino - call for price Parametric 3D Modeling Plug-in for Rhino (插件)

Bearings (免费) it designs Bearings (插件)

Ornitorrinco (免费) Library of mechanical parts (插件)

Electrodex Plugin for generate electrode (插件)

ElectrodSHOCK X4 Plugin per creazione Elettrodi (插件)

Mosaix Rhino plugin for Nesting (插件)

RackoMOLD X4 Plugin per gli stampisti (插件)

RhinoMold 3.0 For mould makers and mould managers (插件)

RhinoNest 1.5 RhinoNest is a new nesting plug-in (插件)

T-Flex Parametric CAD Modellatore solido con analisi FEM (Companion with 3DM Support)

Web based - 2D online nesting (免费) Web based - 2D online nesting (Companion with 3DM Support)

Alibre Design Powerful & affordable 3D solid modeling (Companion with Rhino support)

FASTBLANK Calculates blank shape (Companion without 3DM Support)

IronCAD Full Featured 3D Detail Design Solution (Companion without 3DM Support)

Pilot3D Detailed NURB surface shape design (Companion without 3DM Support)

TriAxial Design and Analysis Mechanical engineering services (服务)

Coroflot - Grupo de estudos Rhinoceros 3D Design (Useful Link)

Involute gears (免费) Generate involute gear profiles (其他)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:13:19

Polhemus PATRIOT digitizer (免费) Rhino plug-in for PATRIOT digitizer (插件)

RhinoProto 3D CAM for Rapid Prototyping (插件)

RP Export for Rhino (免费) RP file export plugin for Rhino (插件)

RP Import for Rhino (免费) RP file import plugin for Rhino (插件)

Creative Gold Milling and layer grown models (服务)

M2 Systems Rhino Training and Rapid Prototypes (服务)

PreMould AB (服务)

Rapid Prototyping Specialists We offer RP services to all industries (服务)

Xpress3D Every Rapid Prototype in 2 days or less (服务)

Best Cast Prototyping Prototyping at the finest resolution (服务)

JDK Jewelry Design CNC Milling (服务)

CNC Subtractive Rapid Prototyping CNC Rapid Prototyping, Toy and product d (服务)

HIGH PROTOTYPING Italy 3D CAD designs and rapid prototyping (服务)

JBD Studio Subtractive Rapid Prototypes (服务)

Modelbuilders, Inc. Prototyping and CAD jewelry design (服务)

Move it design Service RP, Modelli architettonici (服务)

ONE OFF Milano Architectural Models, RP, CNC Machining (服务)

PMW Rapid Prototyping & Product Design ABS parts from Rhino files (服务)

Prototipazione Rapida Service di prototipazione Rapida (服务)

PROTOWAY Right way to fast prototyping (服务)

Rapid Prototypes SLA, FDM, 3D Printing parts in 24 hours (服务)

Rapid Prototyping Rapid Prototyping - Stereolithografie (服务)

RJM Rapid Prototyping High resolution prototyping (服务)

Tech-Designs Prototypes CAD Training and Rapid Prototypes (服务)

W3D Rapid Prototyping Services and Hardware (服务)

Wohlers Associates Independent consulting and analysis firm (服务)

FlashCut CNC CNC Desktop Machining and Control (硬件)

InVision 3-D printer high-quality 3-d printer (硬件)

Objet Eden 250, 260, 350\350V & Eden500V 3D Rapid Prototype System (硬件)

ShopBot powerful cnc routers you can afford (硬件)

New! 3D Printer Print ABS plastic models from CAD files (硬件)

3D-e-Motion machine control for up to 5 axes (硬件)

Micro-Turning Desktop and floor CNC RP Machinery (硬件)

Precix Advanced Cutting Technology Inc. High speed CNC applications (硬件)

Roland MDX-40 Rapid Prototyping System (硬件)

Solidscape, Inc. 3D Model Making Systems (硬件)

Z Corp. 3D Printer Creates 3D Physical models from CAD data (硬件)

prototipazionerapida.com (免费) Prototipazione rapida, CNC & CAD/CAM (Useful Link)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:13:49

PIX Import for Rhino Dr. Picza PIX file importer (插件)

Smurf Polygon Mesh to Smooth Surface plug-in (插件)

Smurf for Rhino 4.0 Polygon Mesh to Smooth Surface plug-in (插件)

Resurf(1.0) demo version (免费) nurbs surface from mesh (插件)

HighRES for Rhino Advanced 3D reverse engineering plug-in (插件)

MicroScribe G2 Driver Update (免费) Add support for MicroScribe G2 arms (插件)

Microscribe MX Driver Update (免费) Add support for MicroScribe MX Arms (插件)

PointCloudEven (免费) Evens out a messy point cloud (插件)

Polhemus PATRIOT digitizer (免费) Rhino plug-in for PATRIOT digitizer (插件)

PolyRedu for Rhino 4.0 Polygon Reduction (插件)

PtAndStl-Tools Punkt und Polyederfunktionen (插件)

RhinoReverse Create spline faces on given mesh data (插件)

New! T-Splines for Rhino NURBS comaptible surface from mesh (插件)

PhotoModeler Pro 5 Model & measure 3D objects from photos (Companion with 3DM Support)

GSI Studio Reverse engineering using polygonal mesh (Companion with 3DM Support)

Mesh To Solid Mesh to Solid Conversion Utility (Companion with 3DM Support)

RapidForm 3D Scanning & Advanced Modeling Software (Companion with 3DM Support)

VX Technologies StarCam 3D Scanning and Measurement Tool (Companion with 3DM Support)

Scan, Cleanup, Remodel (免费) Cleanup and rev. engineer a scanned mesh (Online Tutorial)

Rapid 3D Scanning & Modeling Service Rapid turnaround 3D laser scanning (服务)

3D Creator Wireless Digitizer Hand held digitizer with Rhino interface (硬件)

MicroScribe Digitizers Desktop Digitizing Systems (硬件)

NextEngine 3D Scanner 3D Scanning on your Desk. $2,495 (硬件)

ROMER portable measurement arms (硬件)

MDX-15/20 Desktop Scanning & Milling Machine (硬件)

Faro USB Hardware Drivers (免费) Faro USB Hardware Drivers (硬件)

FaroArm portable measurment arms Portable industrial digitizing systems (硬件)

LPX 600/60 Laser Scanner (硬件)

New! MicroScan-3D 3D laser scanner add-on for MicroScribe (硬件)

SCANNY3D A new scanner laser 3D in dektop version (硬件)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:14:11

CADucopia Toolpath Viewer v0.2 (免费) View CNC G-Code toolpaths (插件)

ModelPress Web Publish Plug-In Web Publish Models With Digital Rights. (插件)

NuGraf/PolyTrans .3dm Viewer View/Render/Convert .3dm files (Companion with 3DM Support)

Opus Realizer RE A digital showroom (Companion with 3DM Support)

Deep Exploration Repurpose Your Assets (Companion with Rhino support)

vSpace Web 3D without a plug-in (Companion with Rhino support)

Rhino Evaluation (免费) View Rhino and other files (Viewer)
aku1542 发表于 2008-3-20 17:33:58
只想要个导到3ds max的插件
chzh00 发表于 2008-3-21 10:14:09
ljking000 发表于 2008-3-22 22:21:55

:lol  支持!!
flynn.id 发表于 2008-4-9 16:49:13
:L :L :L  佩服
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