资料 --- 『Gh最新版本原厂同步更新』Grasshopper 0.8.0052 发布更新

3349945 wudi1212 发表于 2010-1-10 18:52:15 楼主
本帖最后由 Jessesn 于 2011-11-18 13:09 编辑

Grasshopper 0.8.0052 available for download
下载available for download (填写邮件即可)

大陆境内下载地址: http://115.com/file/e7z621zx#grasshopper_wip_20110926.exe

更新内容:点击 Grasshopper 菜单Help>Version History

[size=1em][size=1em]Grasshopper 0.8.0052 更新内容:

  • Create Set component now also outputs an Index map.
  • Integer Division now has initialization code support.
  • Typing a double quote (") into the Popup will now always create a Text Panel.
  • Typing a double slash (//) into the Popup will now always create a Text Panel.
  • Typing a tilde symbol (~) into the Popup will now always create a Scribble.
  • Typing a number into the Popup will now always create a Number Slider.
  • Typing a plus symbol (+) into the Popup will now always create an Addition component.
  • Typing a minus symbol (-) into the Popup will now always create a Subtraction component.
  • Typing an asterisk symbol (*) into the Popup will now always create a Multiplication component.
  • Typing a slash symbol (/) into the Popup will now always create a Division component.
  • Typing a backslash symbol (\) into the Popup will now always create an Integer Division component.
  • Typing a percent symbol (%) into the Popup will now always create a Modulus component.
  • Typing an ampersand symbol (&) into the Popup will now always create a Concatenation component.
  • Added a GeneList object to Galapagos to allow for declaration of a large number of solver variables.
  • Expressions now automatically evaluate strings that are used as variables.
  • Added menu shortcut UI to preferences (Interface section).
  • All components and parameters on the component tabs now have an alias menu item.
  • The Custom Preview component now draws its geometry differently when selected.
  • Added Cull Vertices component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added Delete Vertices component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added canvas panning navigation via the arrow keys.
  • Added canvas zooming navigation via the PageUp/PageDown keys.
  • Toggle Enabled menu didn't work, this is fixed.
  • Default Material Preview colours were both set to red, this is fixed.
  • Recompute item in Legacy menu was only enabled when objects were selected, this is fixed.
  • Canvas tooltips might stick around after an object has been cut or deleted, this is fixed.
  • Baking via the Radial Menu would happen twice under certain conditions, this is fixed.
  • Power operator component failed for integers with non-positive exponents, this is fixed.
  • XOR gate component was returning the inverted result, this is fixed.
  • Parameter Simplify Post-Process would fail under certain conditions, this is fixed.

[size=1em]0.8.0050 更新内容介绍:
  • 2000+ LolCats.
  • Added Toggle Enable menu item to the Solution menu.
  • Toggle Preview shortcut is now Ctrl+Q, shortcuts for Preview On and Preview Off have been removed.
  • Toggle Enabled shortcut is now Ctrl+E, shortcuts for Enabled On and Enabled Off have been removed.
  • Added a Description output to the Null Item component that provides additional information regarding invalidness.
  • Show All Components menu item has been renamed to Show Obscure Components.
  • Obscure components are now always stacked along the right edges of panels and groups.
  • When the Grasshopper tool panels are too narrow to show all icons, obscure components are now hidden first.
  • Re-organized the Mesh Tab.
  • Added Mesh Face Circles component (Mesh.Analysis panel).
  • Added Mesh Face Normals component (Mesh.Analysis panel).
  • Added Mesh Cull Faces component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added Mesh Delete Faces component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added Triangulate Mesh component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added Quadrangulate Mesh component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added Stack Data component (Sets.Sequence dropdown).
  • Added Contour component (Intersect.Mathematical dropdown).
  • Added Contour (Ex) component (Intersect.Mathematical dropdown).
  • Added Curve Contour component (Curve.Division dropdown).
  • Added Curve Contour (Ex) component (Curve.Division dropdown).
  • Added Rectangle 2-Point component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
  • Added Shift Path component as per Studio Mode request (Sets.Tree dropdown).
  • The Mesh Face Parameter is now available on the Params.Geometry dropdown.
  • The Mesh Face Parameter can now hold persistent data.
  • Added persistent targeting mode to the Data Viewer window (this is the default).
  • It is now possible to open more than one Data Viewer window.
  • Selected Data Viewers now draw pink cones around their targets.
  • Pressing MMB for the Radial menu now always selects the object underneath the cursor.
  • Radial menu and Legacy menu are now both active all the time.
  • Radial menu no longer closes when the MMB is released within the bounds.
  • Radial menu now also pops up on SpaceBar, provided the cursor is above the canvas.
  • Galapagos no longer has a Maximum Iteration Limit for the Evolutionary Solver.
  • Galapagos now has optional time-based limits for all solvers.
  • Galapagos now has a second solver, modeled on Simulated Annealing stochastics.
  • Galapagos options UI has been redesigned, Mutation editor is gone for now.
  • Galapagos numeric settings now change colour to indicate sensible value ranges.
  • Galapagos numeric settings now have presets (in pop-up menus) for most scrollers.
  • Galapagos Genome Parameter menu has been beefed up.
  • Cursor wrapping during panning drags now takes both the Canvas and the Screen edges into account.
  • Groups now have an Ungroup menu item.
  • Groups now have an Add To Group menu item.
  • Groups now have a Remove From Group menu item.
  • Operator and Function components now try to do a better job of handling Text inputs.
  • Added AssignDataToParameter() method to the Grasshopper RhinoScript object.
  • Added BakeDataInObject() method to the Grasshopper RhinoScript object.
  • Added RunSolver() method to the Grasshopper RhinoScript object.
  • Volume components now have warnings for non-solid geometry.
  • When a Grasshopper group is baked, the resulting objects are also grouped in Rhino.
  • Radial menu now always selects only the object under the cursor.
  • Version History windows now uses HTML formatted text.
  • Added Zoom to Preview button to Canvas toolbar zoom icon.
  • Timers now have a 'Remove Target' menu item.
  • Timers should now only fire when their own schedule expires.
[size=1em]And a list of bug fixes:

  • Galapagos object tooltips did not reflect newest features, this is fixed.
  • Expressions that contained string literals starting with operator symbols would fail, this is fixed.
  • Data viewer automatic targeting was very fragile, this is fixed.
  • Output Parameter names were drawn too close to the Component, this is fixed.
  • Expressions were missing from output parameters, this is fixed.
  • Toggle Preview menu item didn't do anything, this is fixed.
  • Ribbon Layout Editor would not include components that were on the dropdown only, this is fixed.
  • Curve output parameters did not have the Normalise menu item, this is fixed.
  • Surface output parameters did not have the Normalise menu item, this is fixed.
  • Value Tracker object did not display correctly, this is fixed.
  • Legend Object layout was totally hosed, this is fixed.
  • Script inputs that used a System.Guid type hint would not convert from referenced geometry, this is fixed.
  • Path Wrapping with the Relative Tree item components did not work correctly, this is fixed (fingers crossed).
  • Extreme tags in the Quick Graph were drawn in the wrong rectangle, this is fixed.
  • Digit Scrollers would not repaint on MouseUp, this is fixed.
  • Restoring states would recompute for every slider, this is fixed

[size=1em]Changes since 0.8.0013
  • Added Data limit to the recorder object.
  • Fixed a typo in the CurvatureGraph component.
  • ValueList would not show the active value, this is fixed.

[size=1em]Changes since 0.8.0012
  • All component icons have been reviewed and adjusted in case of stylistic discrepancies.
  • Added an Edge Average output to the polygon center point component (better average).
  • Added Data Recorder object (Params.Special dropdown).
  • Added Area Moments component (Surface.Analysis panel).
  • Added Volume Moments component (Surface.Analysis panel).
  • Added Curve Torsion component (Curve.Analysis dropdown).
  • Added Curve Derivatives component (Curve.Analysis dropdown).
  • Bake Window Display Mode selector now shows all available modes.
  • Fixed a bug in the Bake Window Display Mode selection.

[size=1em]Changes since 0.8.0011:
  • Object Info marker location is now limited to the visible canvas region.
  • Added a Ctrl+Alt+Shift override to save the Grasshopper window + info markers as an image. (Danny, I know you'll like this)
  • Added Modified Arc component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
  • Added Point/Circle tangent lines component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
  • Added External Tangent Lines component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
  • Added Internal Tangent Lines component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
  • Added Find Similar Member component (Sets.Sets dropdown).
  • Beefed up GHA loading error messages.
  • Added early custom Ribbon Layout mechanism and editor.
  • Added Geometry Cache object (Params.Geometry dropdown).
  • Added automatic closed, planar curve to mesh conversion.
  • Added MeshSplit component (Intersect.Boolean panel).
  • Added type groups to the GHA info dialog.
  • Output parameter naming for Tree Explode was inconsistent, this is fixed.
  • The Value List object has an improved selection UI.
  • Intersect.Boolean panel has been renamed to Intersect.Shape.
  • Loose curve offset algorithm has been completely rewritten, expect possible breaking changes.

Version 0.8.0004
  ● Improved Drag+Drop GUI for gh and ghx files.
  ● Added undo recording to Curve Point Component drags.
  ● Added Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter overloads for setting persistent data via parameter menus.
  ● Slider Animations can now be aborted with Escape.
  ● Added non-functional Manage-List GUI to the Generic parameter.
  ● Added more smarts to the automatic cluster input/output lists.
  ● Added Ctrl+W shortcut to Close document menu item.
  ● Explode Tree component now uses base-zero numbering in the output.
  ● Arc3Pt and ArcSED components now output lines if the input is co-linear.
  ○ Fixed sticky settings not being recorded when Rhino is shut down while Grasshopper is still running.
  ○ Fixed a bug with Curve -> Interval auto-casting.
  ○ Fixed tooltips showing for hidden widgets.
  ○ Fixed a bug with Cluster output parameter sorting.
  ○ Boxes would not bake if the axis intervals were reversed, this is fixed.

Version 0.8.0003
  ● Added proper tooltip formatting for Expression Variants.
  ● Added more icon feedback to preview modes.
  ○ Fixed flat Box to Brep conversions.
  ○ Fixed Nurbs Curve to GH_Curve conversions.
  ○ Fixed a bug with lingering previews on disabled objects.
  ○ Fixed yet another bug with Curve offsetting.
  ○ Layers in the undo stack would still show up in the Bake Dialog. This is now fixed.
  ○ Fixed a bug in Sweep2.

Released Grasshopper 0.8.0002 on Friday. List of changes since previous release:

  • !! This release is build against .NET 3.5 instead of 2.0 !!
  • Added conditional If(condition, A, B) method to the Grasshopper expression language.
  • Added Rectangle geometric primitive.
  • Added Rectangle3d to the Script type hints.
  • Added a FilePath parameter.
  • Rectangle and Rectangle 3pt now output Rectangles when appropriate.
  • Grid Components now output Rectangles.
  • Added a Substrate Component (based on original idea by J. Tarbell).
  • Added a FitCrv component.
  • Added a Pick'n'Choose component to combine multiple lists into one.
  • Added a Collapse Polyline component.
  • Added a Planar Surface component.
  • Added a Radial Grid component.
  • Added zero-length segment removal to the old Polyline component.
  • Added two Relative Tree Item components, bit experimental, not sure where to go with this yet.
  • Added a Selected-Only filter to the Grasshopper preview.
  • Added wire display properties to all floating and input parameters.
  • Added Close Document button to the MDI menu.
  • Autopanning is now triggered both by Canvas edges and Screen edges.
  • Added customized cursors to the Galapagos Genome Linker.
  • Rewrote the Timer object. Be on the lookout for breaking behaviour and new bugs.
  • Added a new Ctrl+Shift rewiring editing mode for parameter wires.
  • Redesigned a bunch of Cursors and removed support for Windows pre-NT cursors.
  • Wire Action cursors are now visible before the action begins (i.e. when the mouse hovers over a grip).
  • Cursor Resources are now cached instead of loaded from the disk every time.
  • Improved Abort icon mouse blocking.
  • Rewrote all casting logic to use jump-tables for better performance. Watch out for bugs in data conversion.
  • Removed a lot of (over?)cautious validity tests for geometry inputs.
  • Twisted Box parameters are now Bake-Aware.
  • Updated the QWhale libraries, typing VB and C# code should be somewhat less frustrating.
  • Fixed a bug with multi-line tooltip description layouts.
  • Fixed a bug with surface reparameterization.
  • Fixed the selection rectangle not being visible when no document is loaded.
  • Fixed the Find function short-cut display in the Canvas popup menu.
  • Fixed a bug with AHSL colour components and hue values out of the 0.0~1.0 range.
  • Fixed a bug with Point parameter expression (de)serialization.
  • Fixed a bug with Surface Normal evaluation and flipped surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug with the Bake dialog.
  • Fixed a core SDK problem with the curve offset algorithms.
  • Fixed a bug with number slider menus not working over the rail box.
  • Fixed a potential crash case with the Grasshopper Banner and invalid Library Icons.
  • Fixed a bug with Tiled sampling in the Image Sampler.
  • Fixed excessive undo event recording during Alt+Arrow nudging of Components.

Version 0.8.0001
● Added a new Cluster Object. This is very young code, expect big (quite possibly breaking) changes in the future.
  ● Added auto-panning to Drag Object and Draw Wire interactions.
  ● Added canvas curl UI for drag+drop options.
  ● Added default values to the Quad-Face and Tri-Face components.
  ● Added a Tree Split component for separating out branches.
  ● Drag+Drop with text content now creates a new Panel.
  ● Curve data can now convert from a Surface/Brep with a single closed edge loop.
  ● Added runtime message balloon feedback.
  ● VB and C# script components now update immediately when typehints are changed.
  ● VB and C# script components now update immediately when input parameter access is changed.
  ● MoveForward and MoveBackwards arrange options are now available.
  ● Added a Grasshopper Version field to the status bar.
  ● GraphMapper can now adjust intervals, points and vectors in addition to just numbers.
  ● Parameter disconnection menu items now highlight the connection in question on mouse-over.
  ○ The menu short-cuts for Find and Move Forward were both Ctrl+F. Find is now F3.
  ○ Any Undo operation would wreck the Redo stack, this no longer happens.
  ○ Fixed a bug with automatic tooltip resizing.
  ○ Fixed an erroneous "app" autocomplete member in the C# and VB script members.
  ○ Fixed a bug in the CurveCurve intersection SDK code that occured with overlaps.
  ○ Fixed a bug in the PointList display component with stale point data.
  ○ Fixed a nasty bug with stale document caches and undo/redo.
  ○ Custom Preview Meshes would always draw wires regardless of the Grasshopper view setting. This is fixed.

Version 0.7.0057
  ○ Fixed a serious bug with Grasshopper Clipboard interaction.

Version 0.7.0056
● String Join component J input is now optional.
  ● Added a 'show-loaded-libraries' toggle to the Grasshopper Banner.
  ● Added Find to the edit menu. Ctrl+F now opens the Find dialog.
  ● Added three feedback modes to the Galapagos process.
  ● Added an extra folder in the Grasshopper Roaming Application Data folder for custom components.
  ● Added an extra menu item in the File menu to open the new custom roaming components folder.
  ● Added file system directory autocompletion in GrasshopperDeveloperSettings dialog.
  ● Added GIF, TIFF and EXIF image file formats to drag+drop component icon overrides.
  ● Added Drag+Drop for GHUSER and GHA files to the Canvas.
  ● Added docking options to Markov Widget.
  ● Invalid folder paths are now no longer stripped from the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings dialog.
  ○ Fixed yet another bug with the Insert component. Can't seem to get this one right.
  ○ Fixed a serious bug with Disposed Tooltip access.
  ○ Fixed a problem with dragged icon overrides not being deletable while Grasshopper is running.
  ○ Fixed a bug with the Galapagos threshold fitness termination and Minimize.
  ○ Fixed a bug in Galapagos that prevented the fittest genome to be re-instated upon solver completion.
  ○ Fixed a bug with the ImageSampler drag+drop image replacement.
  ○ The ghx document modified flag was set too often causing unnecessary save prompts.
  ○ The Rhino5 SDK was broken with the Rhino5 Beta release of October 29th 2010, this caused several components to stop working.

Version 0.7.0055
  ● Galapagos can now start a solution from the initial slider layout.
  ● Galapagos can now start a solution from a selected genome.
  ● Added a Mutate override button to the Galapagos solver process.
  ● Added Save, Load and Defaults to the Galapagos settings UI.
  ● Added Curve Extremes component.
  ● Added [Set All Sliders] item to Galapagos Gene input menu.
  ● Added [Set Selected Sliders] item to Galapagos Gene input menu.
  ● Added auto-mutators which are triggered by low bio-diversity.
  ● Added feedback enable/disable button to the Galapagos window to speed up the process.
  ● Added direct colour casts to the Shader type. I.e. shaders can now construct themselves from colour names.
  ● Added a Surface Split component.
  ○ Fixed missing undo event for grouping.
  ○ Fixed missing undo event with the slider popup editor.
  ○ Fixed String to Interval conversion not dealing with all formats.
  ○ Fixed chain inversion bug with Catenary component.
  ○ Changed Galapagos controls background and foreground colour defaults.

Version 0.7.0053

  ● Made object dragging more robust when groups are involved.
  ● Added a Knot-Vector output to the Curve Points component.
  ● Added a Curve Control Polygon component.
  ● Added a Nurbs Curve component.
  ● Added visual parameter state tags to replace textual nickname mods.
  ● Added faint display mode for non-active Galapagos wires.
  ○ Fixed missing 'back port' for the obsolete Pipe component.
  ○ Fixed fundamental bug in the Insert List component.
  ○ Fixed a bug with the Divide Surface component.
  ○ Fixed a bug with the Sketch interaction object being prematurely destroyed.
  ○ Fixed a bug with Script inputs not being properly duplicated.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for slider changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for bargraph changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for switch changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for colour picker changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for gradient changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for graphmapper changes.
  ○ Fixed missing Undo events for group changes.
  ○ Fixed a bug in the Power component that occured with Integers only.
  ○ Fixed UI colours in Galapagos window to adhere to the active Windows Theme.

Grasshopper 0.7.0037  更新内容
- User Objects are now stored in the User Roaming folder. This should fix a number of account issues with off-limit folders. If you have user objects, I suggest you copy them to a safe location prior to installing 0.7.0035. You can reach the User Object folder via the Grasshopper file menu. Once you've installed 0.7.0035 you can then open the new location via the menu and copy the files back.

- The User Object folder is now synched in real time with the Grasshopper toolbars. Any *.ghuser files added to or removed from the folder will (dis)appear immediately in the toolbars.

- User Objects now maintain their custom icon. If you come across a case where a custom icon is lost, please let me know.

- A new behind-the-scenes display mode has been added to the Grasshopper canvas. In the case of document object display errors, you should no longer see the red-screen-of-death, but the new ultra-paranoid display mode should kick in.

- The icon cache logic has been rewritten, Grasshopper should now use considerably less memory for icon storage. If you run into cases where icons appear messed up, please let me know.

- A totally pointless new object has been added to the Params.Special dropdown.


Grasshopper 0.7.003 available for download (June 18th ,2010)

下载available for download (填写邮件即可)

One of the fixes affects Cross Reference Data Matching and although it is only supposed to be a fix, please be on the lookout for any unwanted changes.

A new feature available in this build are User Objects. Basically you can store any individual existing object on the canvas (including all settings) as a new Component. This allows you to create parameters with preset data, or Components with preset inputs, or Sliders with Integer accuracy as default, or ready made Script components.

User Objects can be created from the Grasshopper File menu. They can be deleted from the toolbars (each component on the toolbar now has a rudimentary menu), or they can be managed manually. There is a single User Object folder (accessible via the File menu again), so anything placed in here will be loaded.

Grasshopper 0.7.0022 available for download (June 11, 2010)

下载 Download the installer here (填写邮件即可)

- Sweep1, Sweep2 and Pipe have been re-instated.
- A number of data conversion bugs have been fixed.
- A number of VB and C# Legacy script output data casts have been fixed
- Font mapping has been rewritten, this will hopefully make Grasshopper more robust in the case of missing standard fonts.
- A tolerance bug with BiArcs has been fixed (though the immediate fix will only be available if you run GH on Rhino4, if you're using Rhino5 you'll have to wait for the next V5 Beta before the fix will be available)
- Twisted Box picking has been fixed
- Solid Boolean operations have been sped up and made more robust.
- Catenary solver made more robust for very narrow catenaries.

- A bunch of new Plane creation components (courtesy of Stephen Griffin)
- Offset Curve Loose
- Offset Surface Loose
- Nurbs Surface Control-point
- List Insert component
- Scriptable command version of -_Grasshopper
- Grasshopper can now be access from within RhinoScript using a PluginInterfaceObject. See the Grasshopper SDK Helpfile for details (Grasshopper.Plugin.GH_RhinoScriptInterface class)


2010/4/30 新发布GH文件 ,此版有部分内容不能使用,请斟酌更新, 更新内容察看这里http://bbs.rhino3d.asia/thread-10220-1-1.html

本版GH需要Rhino4.0 SR8支持,注意,安装前,请先卸载你以前的版本,不要直接覆盖方式的安装!




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jan 发表于 2010-1-10 19:44:13
smalltotal 发表于 2010-1-10 23:13:01
skywoolf 发表于 2010-1-11 00:28:55
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tangminghao2003 发表于 2010-1-12 18:58:56
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