HyperDrive'09 SP0 Build 10301
HyperDrive'09 SP0 Build 10301 is available
for download > here.
Username: bspeed
Password: BunkSpeedRocks! (this is case sensitive)
Activating HyperDrive'09 Nodelocked:
1. Install and Launch HyperDrive'09
2. Complete the Bunkspeed License Request indicating which Product version you wish to activate
3. Click on "Send Request"
4. If the no internet connection could be established, click on "Create E-mail License Request" or alternatively, "Copy to Clipboard" and manually send the resulting information to licensesupport@bunkspeed.com.
5. You will receive a follow up email containing your license within 24 hours.
Updating HyperDrive'09 Nodelocked:
1. Uninstall the previous version.
2. Install the new version.
If the hotlink does not work, copy the below address into your web browser:
Download relase notes (.pdf) |