讨论 --- 180页_翻译机器版

984929 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 11:55:13 楼主
将Mohamad Khabazi的那本书的翻译机器版上传于此。


Have you ever played with LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotic set?
Associative modelling is something like  that!  
While  it  seems  that  everything  tends  to  be  Algorithmic  and  Parametric  why  not architecture?
During  my  Emergent  Technologies  and  Design  (EmTech)  master  course  in  the  Architectural Association (AA),
I decided to share my experience in realm of Algorithmic design and Associative Modelling  with  Grasshopper  as  I  found  it  a  powerful  platform  for  design  in  this  way.  
I  did  this because  it  seems  that  the  written,  combined  resources  in  this  field  are  limited  
(although  on‐line resources are quiet exciting).
This is my first draft and I hope to improve it and I also hope that it would be helpful for you.
Mohamad Khabazi
© 2009 Mohamad Khabazi
This book produced and published digitally for public use.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission from the author,
except in the context of reviews.
m.khabazi@gmail.com www.khabazi.com/flux

Chapter_1_Algorithmic Modelling ............................ 1
Chapter_2_The very Beginning ............................... 5
2_1_Method ................................................. 6
2_2_The very basics of Grasshopper    ...................... 7
2_2_1_Interface, workplace   ............................... 7
2_2_2_Components ........................................... 8
2_2_3_Data matching ....................................... 14
2_2_4_Component’s Help (Context pop‐up menu)  ........... 16
2_2_5_Type‐In component searching / adding     ........... 17
2_2_6_Geometry Preview Method                   ........... 17
2_3_Other Resources     ................................... 18
Chapter_3_Data sets and Math .............................. 19
3_1_Numerical Data sets ................................... 20
3_2_On Points and Point Grids ............................. 22
3_3_Other Numerical Sets .................................. 23
3_4_Functions ............................................. 25
3_5_Boolean Data types .................................... 28
3_6_Cull Patterns  ........................................ 30
3_7_2D Geometrical Patterns................................ 35
Chapter_4_Transformation   ................................ 46
4_1_Vectors and planes..................................... 48
4_2_On curves and linear geometries      .................. 49
4_3_Combined Experiment: Swiss Re     ..................... 57
4_4_On Attractors  ........................................ 68
Chapter_ 5_Parametric Space ............................... 80
5_1_One Dimensional (1D) Parametric Space    .............. 81
5_2_Two Dimensional (2D) Parametric Space    .............. 83
5_3_Transition between spaces    .......................... 84
5_4_Basic Parametric Components  .......................... 85
5_4_1_Curve Evaluation  ................................... 85
5_4_2_Surface Evaluation   ................................ 86
5_5_On Object Proliferation in Parametric Space ........... 88
Chapter_6_ Deformation and Morphing       ................. 96
6_1_Deformation and Morphing     .......................... 97
6_2_On Panelization  ...................................... 99
6_3_Micro Level Manipulations    ......................... 102
6_4_On Responsive Modulation ............................. 106
Chapter 7_NURBS Surface and Meshes ....................... 112
7_1_Parametric NURBS Surfaces     ........................ 113
7_2_Mesh vs. NURBS ....................................... 124
7_2_1_Geometry and Topology  ............................. 124
7_3_On Particle Systems .................................. 126
7_4_On Colour Analysis ................................... 135
7_5_Manipulating Mesh objects as a way of Design ..........139
Chapter_8_Fabrication .................................... 141
8_1_Datasheets ........................................... 143
8_2_Laser Cutting and Cutting based Fabrication .......... 155
Chapter_9_Design Strategy  ............................... 170
Bibliography ............................................. 174

[ 本帖最后由 易人 于 2009-4-8 13:08 编辑 ]

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wudi1212 发表于 2009-4-8 13:17:26
用机器翻的没有用的 专业术语能被翻的雷死人···
游泳的狼 发表于 2009-4-8 13:24:53
yumao 发表于 2009-4-8 13:28:21
 楼主| 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 13:33:45
原帖由 wudi1212 于 2009-4-8 13:17 发表
用机器翻的没有用的 专业术语能被翻的雷死人···

 楼主| 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 13:59:32

Chapter_1_Algorithmic Modelling
Chapter_1_Algorithmic Modelling

If we look at architecture as an object represented in the space, we always deal with geometry and abit  of  math  to  understand  and  design  this  object.  
In  the  History  of  architecture,  different architectural styles have presented multiple types of geometry and logic of articulation and each period have  found  a  way  to  deal  with  its  geometrical  problems  and  questions.
Since  computers started to help architects, simulate the space and geometrical articulations,
it became an integral tool  in  the  design  process.  
Computational  Geometry  became  an  interesting  subject  to  study  and combination  of  programming  algorithms  with  geometry yielded  algorithmic  geometries  known  as Generative Algorithm.
Although 3D softwares helped to simulate almost any space visualized,
it is the  Generative  Algorithm  notion  that  brings  the  current  possibilities  of  design,
like  ‘parametric design’ in the realm of architecture.
Architects started to use free form curves and surfaces to design and investigate spaces beyond the limitations  of  the  conventional  geometries  of  the  “Euclidian  space”.  
It  was  the  combination  of Architecture and  Digital  that brought  ‘Blobs’  on  the table  and  then  push  it  further.
Although  the progress of the computation is extremely fast,
architecture has been tried to keep track with this digital fast pace progress.
Contemporary architecture after the age of “Blob” seems to be even more complex.
Architectural design  is  being  affected  by  the  potentials  of  algorithmic  computational  geometries  with  multiple hierarchies and high level of complexity.
Designing and modelling free‐form surfaces and curves as building elements which are associated with different components
and have multiple patterns is notan  easy  job  to  do  with  traditional  methods.
This  is  the  time  of  algorithms  and  scripts  which  areforward  pushing  the  limits.  
It  is  obvious  that  even  to  think  about  a  complex  geometry,
we  need appropriate  tools,  especially  softwares,  which  are  capable  of  simulating  these  geometries  and controlling  their  properties.
As  the  result  architects  feel  interested  to  use  Swarms  or  Cellular Automata or Genetic Algorithms to
generate algorithmic designs and go beyond the current pallet of available  forms  and  spaces.
The  horizon  is  a  full  catalogue  of  complexity  and  multiplicity  that combines creativity and ambition together.

Fig.1.1.  Parametric  Modelling  for  Evolutionary  Computation  and  Genetic  Algorithm,
Mohamad khabazi, Emergence Seminar, AA, conducted by Michael Weinstock, fall 2008.

A step even forward, now embedding the properties of material systems in design algorithms seemsto be more possible in this parametric notion.
Looking forward material effects and their responsesto the hosting environment in the design phase,
now the inherent potentials of the components and systems should  be  applied  to  the  parametric models  of  the  design.
So  not  only  these  generative algorithms does not dealing only with form generation,
but also there is a great potential to embed the logic of material systems in them.
“The underlying logic of the parametric design can be instrumentalised here as an alternative design method,
one in which the geometric rigour of parametric modelling can be deployed first to integrate manufacturing
constraints, assembly logics and material characteristics in the definition of simple components,
and then to proliferate the components into larger systems and assemblies.
This approach employs the exploration of parametric variables to understand the behaviour of such a system and then uses this understanding to strategise the system’s response to environmental conditions and external forces” (Hensel, Menges, 2008).
To work with the complex objects, usually a design process starts from a very simple first level and then  other  layers  being  added  to  it;  
complex  forms  are  comprised  of  different  hierarchies,  each associated with its logics and details.
These levels are also interconnected and their members affect each other and in that sense this method called ‘Associative’.
Generally speaking, Associative modelling relates to a method in which elements of design being built gradually in multiple hierarchies and at each level,
some parameters of these elements being extracted to be the generator for other elements in the next level and this goes on,
step by step to produce the whole geometry.
So basically the end point of one curve could be the center point of another  circle  and  any  change  in  the  curve  would  change  the  circle  accordingly.  Basically  this method of design deals with the huge amount of data and calculations and runs through the flow of algorithms.
Instead   of   drawing   objects,   Generative   Algorithmic   modelling   usually   starts   with   numbers,
mathematics and calculations  as the base data to generate objects.
Even starting with objects, it extracts parametric data of that object to move on.
Any object of design has infinite positions inside,

and these positions could be used as the base data for the next step and provide more possibilitiesto grow the design.
The process called ‘Algorithmic’ because of this possibility that each object in the algorithm  generated  by  previously  prepared  data  as  input  and  has  output  for  other  steps  of  the algorithm as well.
The point is that all these geometries are easily adjustable after the process.
The designer always has access to the elements of the design product from the start point up to details.
Actually, since the design product is the result of an algorithm,
the inputs of the algorithm could be changed and the result would also be updated accordingly.
In conventional methods we used to modify models and designs  on  paper  and  model  the  final  product  digitally,  
to  avoid  changes  which  was  so  time‐ consuming.
Any change in the design affected the other geometries and it was dreadful to fix the problems occurred to the other elements connected
with the changed element and all those items should be re‐adjusted, re‐scaled, and re‐orientated if not happened to re‐draw.
It is now possible to digitally sketch the model and generate hundreds of variations of the project by adjusting some very basic geometrical parameters.
It is now possible to embed the properties of material systems,
Fabrication constraints and assembly logics in parameters.
It is now even possible to respond to the environment and be associative in larger sense.
“… Parametric design enables the recognition of patterns of geometric behaviour and related performative capacities and tendencies of the system.
In continued feedback with the external environment,
these behavioural tendencies can then   inform   the   ontogenetic   development   of   one   specific   system   through   the   parametric differentiation of its sub‐locations” (Hensel, Menges, 2008).

Fig.1.2. A. form‐finding in membranes and minimal surfaces, physical model,
B. membrane’s movement modelled with Grasshopper, Mohamad Khabazi, EmTech Core‐Studio,
AA, Conducted by Michael Hensel and Achim Menges, fall 2008.

Grasshopper  is  a  platform  in  Rhino  to  deal  with  this  Generative  Algorithms  and  Associative modelling.  
The  following  chapters  are  designed  in  order  to  combine  geometrical  subjects  with algorithms and to address some design issues in architecture in an ‘Algorithmic’method.
 楼主| 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 14:22:05
【原文】Chapter_1_Algorithmic Modelling
【译文】Chapter_1_Algorithmic 做模型
【原文】If we look at architecture as an object represented in the space, we always deal with geometry and abit  of  math  to  understand  and  design  this  object.
【译文】如果我们审查建筑学如一个在空间中被表现的物体,我们总是处理几何学和数学的 abit 了解而且设计这一个物体。
【原文】In  the  History  of  architecture,  different architectural styles have presented multiple types of geometry and logic of articulation and each period have  found  a  way  to  deal  with  its  geometrical  problems  and  questions.
【原文】Since  computers started to help architects, simulate the space and geometrical articulations,
【原文】it became an integral tool  in  the  design  process.
【原文】Computational  Geometry  became  an  interesting  subject  to  study  and combination  of  programming  algorithms  with  geometry yielded  algorithmic  geometries  known  as Generative Algorithm.
【原文】Although 3D softwares helped to simulate almost any space visualized,
【译文】虽然 3D立体软件帮助几乎模拟被看得见的任何空间,
【原文】it is the  Generative  Algorithm  notion  that  brings  the  current  possibilities  of  design,
【原文】like  ‘parametric design’ in the realm of architecture.
【原文】Architects started to use free form curves and surfaces to design and investigate spaces beyond the limitations  of  the  conventional  geometries  of  the  “Euclidian  space”.
【译文】造物主开始使用自由的形式曲线和表面设计而且调查空间超过 " Euclidian 空间 " 的传统几何学的限制。
【原文】It  was  the  combination  of Architecture and  Digital  that brought  ‘Blobs’  on  the table  and  then  push  it  further.
【原文】Although  the progress of the computation is extremely fast,
【原文】architecture has been tried to keep track with this digital fast pace progress.
【原文】Contemporary architecture after the age of “Blob” seems to be even more complex.
【译文】在 " 一滴 " 的年龄后的同时代的建筑学似乎甚至更多复杂的。
【原文】Architectural design  is  being  affected  by  the  potentials  of  algorithmic  computational  geometries  with  multiple hierarchies and high level of complexity.

【原文】Designing and modelling free‐form surfaces and curves as building elements which are associated with different components
【原文】and have multiple patterns is notan  easy  job  to  do  with  traditional  methods.
【译文】而且有多样的式样是 notan 容易的工作以传统的方法做。
【原文】This  is  the  time  of  algorithms  and  scripts  which  areforward  pushing  the  limits.
【译文】 这是运算法则的时候和手写体推动极限的 areforward。
【原文】It  is  obvious  that  even  to  think  about  a  complex  geometry,
【原文】we  need appropriate  tools,  especially  softwares,  which  are  capable  of  simulating  these  geometries  and controlling  their  properties.
【译文】我们需要适当的工具, 尤其软件, 能够模拟这些几何学而且控制他们的财产。
【原文】As  the  result  architects  feel  interested  to  use  Swarms  or  Cellular Automata or Genetic Algorithms to
【原文】generate algorithmic designs and go beyond the current pallet of available  forms  and  spaces.
【原文】The  horizon  is  a  full  catalogue  of  complexity  and  multiplicity  that combines creativity and ambition together.
【原文】 Parametric  Modelling  for  Evolutionary  Computation  and  Genetic  Algorithm,
【原文】 Mohamad khabazi, Emergence Seminar, AA, conducted by Michael Weinstock, fall 2008.
【译文】被麦可 Weinstock 引导的 Mohamad khabazi ,出现研究会, AA, 落下 2008.
【原文】A step even forward, now embedding the properties of material systems in design algorithms seemsto be more possible in this parametric notion.
【译文】一个步骤甚至转寄,埋入设计运算法则 seemsto 的物质系统的财产现在是更可能的在这个参数的观念中。
【原文】Looking forward material effects and their responsesto the hosting environment in the design phase,
【译文】看向前的材料产生和他们的 responsesto 主机租贷环境在设计状态内,
【原文】now the inherent potentials of the components and systems should  be  applied  to  the  parametric models  of  the  design.
【原文】So  not  only  these  generative algorithms does not dealing only with form generation,
【原文】but also there is a great potential to embed the logic of material systems in them.
【原文】“The underlying logic of the parametric design can be instrumentalised here as an alternative design method,
【译文】"参数的设计在下面逻辑可能是 instrumentalised 如其它可能的设计方法的这里,
【原文】one in which the geometric rigour of parametric modelling can be deployed first to integrate manufacturing
【原文】constraints, assembly logics and material characteristics in the definition of simple components,
【原文】and then to proliferate the components into larger systems and assemblies.
【原文】This approach employs the exploration of parametric variables to understand the behaviour of such a system and then uses this understanding to strategise the system’s response to environmental conditions and external forces” (Hensel, Menges, 2008).
【译文】这方式雇用参数变数的探险了解一个如此系统的行为然后使用这了解对环境的情况和外部的军队订定战略系统的回应".(Hensel , Menges,2008)
 楼主| 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 14:22:36
【原文】To work with the complex objects, usually a design process starts from a very simple first level and then  other  layers  being  added  to  it;

【原文】complex  forms  are  comprised  of  different  hierarchies,  each associated with its logics and details.

【原文】These levels are also interconnected and their members affect each other and in that sense this method called ‘Associative’.

【原文】Generally speaking, Associative modelling relates to a method in which elements of design being built gradually in multiple hierarchies and at each level,

【原文】some parameters of these elements being extracted to be the generator for other elements in the next level and this goes on,

【原文】step by step to produce the whole geometry.

【原文】So basically the end point of one curve could be the center point of another  circle  and  any  change  in  the  curve  would  change  the  circle  accordingly.

【原文】 Basically  this method of design deals with the huge amount of data and calculations and runs through the flow of algorithms.
【译文】 基本上设计的这一个方法处理极大量的数据和计算而且跑过运算法则的流程。

【原文】Instead   of   drawing   objects,   Generative   Algorithmic   modelling   usually   starts   with   numbers,

【原文】mathematics and calculations  as the base data to generate objects.

【原文】Even starting with objects, it extracts parametric data of that object to move on.

【原文】Any object of design has infinite positions inside,

【原文】and these positions could be used as the base data for the next step and provide more possibilitiesto grow the design.
【译文】而且这些位置可能被当作恶劣的数据使用,因为下一个行走而且提供较多的 possibilitiesto 种植设计。

【原文】he process called ‘Algorithmic’ because of this possibility that each object in the algorithm  generated  by  previously  prepared  data  as  input  and  has  output  for  other  steps  of  the algorithm as well.

【原文】The point is that all these geometries are easily adjustable after the process.

【原文】The designer always has access to the elements of the design product from the start point up to details.

【原文】Actually, since the design product is the result of an algorithm,

【原文】the inputs of the algorithm could be changed and the result would also be updated accordingly.

【原文】In conventional methods we used to modify models and designs  on  paper  and  model  the  final  product  digitally,  

【原文】to  avoid  changes  which  was  so  time‐ consuming.

【原文】Any change in the design affected the other geometries and it was dreadful to fix the problems occurred to the other elements connected

【原文】with the changed element and all those items should be re‐adjusted, re‐scaled, and re‐orientated if not happened to re‐draw.
【译文】藉由被改变的元素和所有的那些项目应该是关于被调整的‐, 关于被依比例决定, 而且关于‐确定的方向‐如果不发生到关于‐平局。

【原文】It is now possible to digitally sketch the model and generate hundreds of variations of the project by adjusting some very basic geometrical parameters.

【原文】It is now possible to embed the properties of material systems,

【原文】Fabrication constraints and assembly logics in parameters.

【原文】It is now even possible to respond to the environment and be associative in larger sense.

【原文】“… Parametric design enables the recognition of patterns of geometric behaviour and related performative capacities and tendencies of the system.
【译文】" …参数的设计使几何学行为和相关的述行能力和系统的趋向式样的承认能够。

【原文】In continued feedback with the external environment,

【原文】these behavioural tendencies can then   inform   the   ontogenetic   development   of   one   specific   system   through   the   parametric differentiation of its sub‐locations” (Hensel, Menges, 2008).
【译文】这些行为的然后趋向能告知 ontogenetic 发展穿过它的附属‐位置的参数区别一个特定的系统".(Hensel , Menges,2008)

【原文】 form‐finding in membranes and minimal surfaces, physical model,
【译文】形式‐薄膜和最小的表面发现, 身体检查模型,

【原文】membrane’s movement modelled with Grasshopper, Mohamad Khabazi, EmTech Core‐Studio,
【译文】薄膜的运动和蚱蜢, Mohamad Khabazi , EmTech 核心‐工作场所做模型,

【原文】AA, Conducted by Michael Hensel and Achim Menges, fall 2008.

【原文】Grasshopper  is  a  platform  in  Rhino  to  deal  with  this  Generative  Algorithms  and  Associative modelling.

【原文】The  following  chapters  are  designed  in  order  to  combine  geometrical  subjects  with algorithms and to address some design issues in architecture in an ‘Algorithmic’ method.
【译文】下列的章为了要结合几何学的主题和运算法则并且向在‘的建筑学的一些设计议题发表演说 , 被设计算法'方法。
游泳的狼 发表于 2009-4-8 15:19:02
【原文】 The  following  chapters  are  designed  in  order  to  combine  geometrical  subjects  with algorithms and to address some design issues in architecture in an ‘Algorithmic’ method.
【译文】下列的章为了要结合几何学的主题和运算法则并且向在‘的建筑学的一些设计议题发表演说 , 被设计算法'方法。




[ 本帖最后由 游泳的狼 于 2009-4-8 15:21 编辑 ]
 楼主| 易人 发表于 2009-4-8 16:14:52
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