David Rutten to Grasshopper
| show details 12:36 AM (11 hours ago)
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I send a build of GH 0.6 to some people inside McNeel yesterday, they
found 2 serious bugs. Once I fix those I'll send it out again. We'll
keep repeating this until we can find no more (serious) bugs.
So, if all goes well, tomorrow... Don't count on that.
Rhino5 is currently being held up by the installer. We ran into a few
issues with installing 32-bit Rhino on 64-bit windows when a 64-bit
Rhino was already installed or something similar. I'm not keeping
close tabs on the installer guys.
Why do you want Rhino5? I mean, what do you think it will give you
that Rhino4 hasn't got? I'm just curious...
上面这段说明Rhino5.0 已经开发完毕,搞安装的家伙正在最后测试...
Hi Marc,
there is no beta list for Rhino5, if you own a copy of Rhino4 you'll
be able to download a beta once we release it. Then, I suppose you're
on the beta list.
Wishes can be made at any time on the Rhino newsgroup, they'll get
logged in our development-tracker system along with all bug reports. I
have been a bit disappointed with our (McNeel) capacity to deal with
wishes lately, but maybe the release of Rhino5 beta will free some
developers up to do tangential stuff.
The main improvements for Rhino5 at the moment are:
- 64 bit version (though possibly not right away, I think we'll start
beta testing the 32 bit version first)
- Real time shadows
- Better open gl pipeline which allows for pixel shaders, bump/normal
mapping etc.
- Faster display, especially of blocks.
- Better intersector, so we should get better results on Fillets,
Booleans etc.
As far as I know there are very few new commands or UI improvements. I
suppose we'll add those during the beta process but don't expect a
major difference from Rhino4 right away.
David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates
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