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T-Splines 2.0 WIP 11B for Rhino is now available.
This is NOT the latest commercial update of T-Splines version 1. You should not use this work-in-progress (WIP) for production. However, if you're interested in giving input into the next release of T-Splines, go ahead and install this (you will first need a full T-Splines license installed). There are still many known crashers in the WIP.
All T-Splines updates, including this WIP, may be downloaded here: http://www.tsplines.com/latestversion.html .
Please note that the download requires a different account than your forum account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
New in this release:
*New icons for selection and smooth preview toggle (commands that were previously only accessible through hotkeys).
*A bug in tsEditMode (grips of newly created T-Splines would not turn on if edit mode was already running) has been fixed.
*License bump. This WIP will not expire until December 31.
*tsmCutFaces was renamed to tsmInsertPoint (icon stayed the same).
Also, we've released an up-to-date list of commands in the 2.0 WIP, along with brief descriptions.
T-SplinesWIP11B tools.pdf
T-SplinesWIP11B tools.pdf
(160.31 KB, 下载次数: 134)
- 选择与顺滑预览切换指令使用了新的图标(以前这些指令,仅可以通过设置快捷键)
- tsEditmode修复了一个大的错误(编辑模式运行状体下不能打开最新建立的TS的抓点)
- 许可证的问题,这个WIP版可以运行至12月31日
- tsmCutFace指令更名为tsmInsertPoint(图标没有修改)
T-SplinesWIP11B tools.pdf |