1. New heads up display that lists information about your manipulator and selections. Just as before, the manipulator will work on T-Splines, meshes, and NURBS, as well as on grips.
2. Hotkeys are more accessible. To take full advantage of the manipulator, you need to use the hotkeys. For instance, using hotkeys is currently the only way to switch from translate to rotate to scale modes. You can discover and reassign the hotkeys by clicking the hotkey icon. These hotkeys are only active when you have the heads up display on. You can exit the heads up display at any time by hitting escape.
3. Functionality improvements: New paddles in the translate manipulator make for easy manipulation constrained to the XY/YZ/XZ planes. Also, when rotating, hold down "shift" to rotate in 5 degree increments.
Axial symmetry can now be applied to a T-Mesh. To use symmetry, make sure your model is converted to a t-mesh and lies on at least one global axis. Run symmetry.
Any grip movement in one part of the model will be updated in the other part of the model. Also, any operation like extruding or deleting will be updated.
You can also apply symmetry in two or three directions.
Smooth surface preview/
You can see a smooth surface preview of your T-Spline mesh by hitting the Tab key. Symmetry will update here, too.
Other improvements
New option to tsInsertPoint for inserting a complete isocurve. Will add more points than expected if by a star point.
Deletion of faces, edges, vertices is more robust
Welding of faces, edge, vertices is more robust
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