
Tonway 发表于 2008-7-16 16:26:27
Raphael Lacoste lives in Canada, Montreal, with wife and son since 2002. He was born in 1974 in Paris, but lived mostly around Bordeaux, south west of France until he left for Canada..
He studied in 1993 at Fine Arts school, Art and Media option, Photography and Video, at the same time, he was photographer and composer for a theatre company "les Pygmalions". He was already attracted by the scenery, mood and lighting. The Company Gave him the opportunity in 1997 to work on "the little Prince" of St Exupéry, he did there his first 3D pictures that were projected on giant screens with Pani 6KW projectors, Raphael was also the screening coordinator.
Later in 1998, he went to CNBDI school (Angouleme, France) and got a European Master of Art in 3D animation, his movie "Nîumb" was screened at Siggraph 2000, Imagina 2000, Anima mundi 2001...
He had teachers like René Laloux, Director of "Time masters", "Gandahar", "Fantastic Planet"... Raphael was very impressed by the work of his teacher and learned a bit of his knowledge...
他的研究在1993年在美术学校,艺术和媒体选择,摄影和录像,在同一时间内,他是摄影师和作曲家为剧院公司的“就业辅导组pygmalions ” 。他已吸引了风景,情绪和照明。该公司给了他机会,在1997年的工作, “小王子”圣exupéry ,他有他的首三维图片,预计的巨型屏幕,聚苯胺六千瓦投影机,拉斐尔,也是筛选协调员。
后来在1998年,他到cnbdi学校(安格雷姆,法国) ,取得了欧洲大师的艺术在三维动画,他的电影“ nîumb ”的放映时间siggraph 2000年, imagina 2000年,阿尼玛世界之2001年...
他的教师一样,勒内laloux主任, “时间的主人” , “ gandahar ” , “神奇的星球” … …拉斐尔留下了很深的印象的工作和他的老师学到了一点,他的知识...
[ 本帖最后由 Tonway 于 2008-7-16 16:29 编辑 ] |