本帖最后由 Jessesn 于 2013-9-3 20:15 编辑
Hi All
Brazil 2.0 for Rhino 第三个修正版现在发布更新,你可以透过下面的网址直接下载:

这是第三个修正版,我们已经修复了上百个已知的错误且增加了许多新的特征,众多实用的新特征包括:解析性置换贴图(analytic displacement)、七彩镀膜(thin film iridescence)、两点透视、细胞纹理、纸张着色材质(paper shader)等,且改善相关界面。
- Per object and material analytic displacement. - Environment scaling added (in Brazil option, environment panel) - Defaults changes - shadows, skylight, environment sky on by default and higher anti-aliasing. - Support for Rhino 5 two-point perspective. - Thin film iridescence added to all reflection options - Display while rendering control added to detailed system settings - Reversed normal setting added to occlusion texture to support depth based occlusion - Paper shader added to Brazil Advanced Material - backlighting support. Good for paper lanterns, fabrics etc. - Support for Rhino ground plane in exclusion lists - Brazil Advanced Cellular texture added - Added Brazil Curvature Texture - "Self" support added to Exclude lists where possible. - Override max ray depth option added to Chrome, Glass, BAM and Porcelain - RenderBlowup retains the previous frame buffer and renders over the top of the previous rendering if possible. - Motion blur reimplemented to work with both Bongo 2.0 and Bongo 1.0 - Improvements to BAM transparency/opacity viewport simulation - Allow > 100% connection values for textures. - Thin translucency texture. - Cellular texture - Rhino 5.0 panel based settings UI. - Saved preset files are now displayed in the presets manager.
- GI environment blur section previews were unstable and slow. - Default light was still on when light dome present. - Custom render meshes that use the existing object material are correctly handled. - Light and sun graphics improved and several bugs fixed. - Brazil took over resolution setting while other renderers were current. - Brazil render settings panel disappeared when the renderer was changed. - Document settings did not reset when loading a 3dm file that had no previous Brazil data. - Decals with complex block transforms rendered incorrectly. - Decals did not work correctly on block inserts - Porcelain specular color did not work - Renderblowup command did not render the same area that has been selected in the viewport. - Physical sky environment did not respond to linear workflow correctly. - Shadow/Light shaders were not allowed in filter slots. - Workaround for bug in Rhino 4.0 and 5.0 SR0 with Mask texture returning a value in the alpha channel. - Linear workflow gamma correction was incorrect for environments.