注意:这个版本与Tspline1.3 RC2相同,如果你已经安装了Tspline1.3RC2就不用再安装这个版本了
- tsExtrude现在可以定义挤出的顶部与底部为锐边
- Rhino Options中新增T-spline Tab项且允许用户修改TS指令内部颜色.同时也提供一个简单的获
- tsControlPolygonToSrf 与 tsSkin 指令预览生成的面不会显示TS结构线,新的tsPreview 指
- tsInsertPoints指令的用户界面更加简洁,用户可以tsOptions中设置其使用的颜色
- tsSkin 与 tsLoft指令输入线高于3阶会自动重建,遇到重建时命令行会出现警告提示
- 高于3阶的NURBS面转换为TS时候会自动重建,遇到这种情形时命令行回出现警告提示
- 提升了拖拽Ts的控制点时候的交换式显示速度
- 增加非单机版许可证项
- 修复了偶尔出现TS面破裂显示的错误
- 当选择一个复制的TS对象时出现的错误现已修复
- TS指令输入时候快速的点选参数项时候会出现当机的情况现已修复
- 以前,从一个Rhino文件复制一个TS物体然后粘贴到另外一个Rhino文件时会当作polysrf
正式版本官方下载地址 下载
(500 KB, 下载次数: 1284)
(500 KB, 下载次数: 922)
(103.84 KB, 下载次数: 658)
Service release 1.3 is now available at www.tsplines.com/rhino/plugin.php
[Note: this is the same version as 1.3 RC2, so there is no need to reinstall if you already have that on your computer.]
In this release:
Command enhancements:
tsExtrude now allow the sharpness of the top and bottom of the extruded area to be defined.
New T-Splines tab in the Rhino Options page allows the user to change the color used for selection inside T-Splines commands. It also provides an easier way to access information about the installed version of the plugin, as well as options related to NURBS conversion to T-Splines.
The preview faces in tsControlPolygonToSrf and tsSkin now have no interior lines, and a new custom display profile called tsPreview has been created to allow for customization of this display.
tsInsertPoints user interface is now cleaner. The user can set the colors used in this command in tsOptions.
Input curves that are higher than degree 3 are now automatically rebuilt in tsSkin and tsLoft. The user is warned in the command line when this happens.
Surfaces higher than degree 3 are now automatically rebuilt when they are converted to T-Splines. The user it warned in the command line.
Interaction speed for dragging T-Splines control points is improved.
Additional floating license options have been added.
Bug fixes
A fairly rare case of surface cracking has been fixed.
A selection bug that occurred when a T-Spline was copied (reported here: http://www.tsplines.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14168) was fixed.
A crasher was fixed related to clicking too quickly immediately upon entering a command
Previously, T-Splines copied from one file and pasted in another Rhino file lost their T-Spline information and pasted as a polysurface. This bug is now fixed; they now paste as T-Splines.