转贴 --- T-Splines 1.3 RC版本即日发布

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32201 Jessesn 发表于 2008-4-13 11:08:06 楼主

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1.3 RC版本修正与新增加内容

   - 修复了copy TS对象时候出现的选择错误 (Bug反馈连接 http://www.tsplines.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14168)
   - tsExtrude 指令现在允许挤出领域定义其顶部与底部的锐利度
   - 新的tsOptions指令允许用户修改选择内部Tspline指令的颜色,也涉及到Tspline对象转换为NURBS对象
   - 拖拽Ts对象控制点时,TS的shade显示速度更加一步加快
   - tsControlPolygonToSrf 与tsSkin 指令预览面现在没有内部线的显示,取而代之的是一个新的显示指令"tsPreview",
   - tsSkin 与 tsLoft 指令中输入的线超过3阶的会自动重建,Rhino的命令栏里会出现警告提示
   - tsInsertPoints 指令的用户界面更加简洁,用户可以通过"tsOptions"指令来定义颜色.
   - 相当少的曲面表面崩裂显示现象已经修复
    - 新增了附加不固定的许可证选项(针对非单机版用户)

A release candidate for T-Splines 1.3 is available. Licensed users can download it here:

http://www.tsplines.com/rhino/plugin.php [Fixed Link]

Please download it if you get the chance and let us know how if you have any feedback before we push it out!

In this release:

A selection bug that occurred when a T-Spline was copied (reported here: http://www.tsplines.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14168) was fixed.

tsExtrude now allow the sharpness of the top and bottom of the extruded area to be defined.

New command "tsOptions" allows the user to change the color used for selection inside T-Splines commands, as well as options related to NURBS conversion to T-Splines.

Interaction speed for dragging T-Splines control points is improved.

The preview faces in tsControlPolygonToSrf and tsSkin now have no interior lines, and a new custom display profile called tsPreview has been created to allow for customization of this display.

Input curves that are higher than degree 3 are now automatically rebuild in tsSkin and tsLoft. The user is warned in the command line when this happens.

tsInsertPoints user interface is now cleaner. The user can set the colors used in this command in tsOptions.

A fairly rare case of surface cracking has been fixed.

Additional floating license options have been added.

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snowair 发表于 2008-7-28 20:13:56
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