silo2.0.6 正式发布

28787 Jessesn 发表于 2008-4-12 13:58:25 楼主
Silo 2 是一款专注于建模的三维软件,既适合生物建模也适合规则物体建模。 可用它为视频游戏及电影创建角色或是建筑。
Silo 目前被全球顶尖工作室所使用着,即可以单独用它也可以配合多个软件平台使用。

Silo 2.0引进许多新工作流程提高和工具,包括完全UV纹理质地编辑和iso移置绘画强大新功能。Silo是一款3D造型软件,它着重于3D设计、动画、录影游戏制作和传达想法等领域的模型建造和塑形。出道虽短,但已广受当今最大的演播室、赋有天才的专家、热情激昂的沉迷者和新学员们的欢迎。至Silo v1.x版单击一次就可直接连接外部的几处渲染点,并且它还允许决大多数3D动画和经过渲染后的obj、3ds、dxf、rib、和pov打包输出。

Silo 2.0 延续Nevercenter传统
In the two years since Silo 1.0 was first released it has evolved dramatically, with many free intermediate updates consisting of huge workflow leaps that many would consider worthy of a full version upgrade (and charge extra for). Some of the free additions since version 1.0 have included direct iso surface editing, advanced selection highlighting, the revolutionary topology brush, 100% mouse customization, and much more.

Thousands of users, including many in the most respected and advanced graphics studios and video game development houses in the world, have decided to use Silo as their modeler of choice for its steady progression, its emphasis on workflow, its speed, its uncluttered interface, and its intuitive and powerful toolset.

It is with this history of innovation and progress that we are excited to announce the upcoming release of Silo 2.0. Silo 2.0 is scheduled for release later this year, and those who purchase version 1.4 now will receive a free upgrade to Silo 2.0 when it is released (as will anyone who purchased on or after July 1st, 2005). As we have done in the past, we'll be interacting with the users on our forums ( while working to get Silo 2.0 out to make sure that we're steering Silo in the direction our users want. Below are some of the biggest features to look forward to in Silo 2.0 when it is released later this year, including a few videos:

Silo 2.0 introduces a core rewrite of the Silo 1.0 code, paving the way for future tool and workflow expansion while enhancing memory useage and overall speed even further than the levels previously achieved.

Version 2.0 of Silo brings new tools that allow you to "paint" displacement onto polygon meshes or the iso surface of a subdivision surfaces shape. This allows you to both rough out quick organic shapes as well as add details like veins and wrinkles to your smooth subdivision surfaces shapes without adding any extra geometry, all within the framework of a polygonal modeler. Specialized drawing code lets you paint displacement onto million-plus polygon models with ease, even with basic consumer-level graphics cards. When used in conjunction with normal maps or the topology brush, the possibilities are endless.

No longer will users have any reason to leave the comforts of Silo to create texture coordinates for their Silo models. True to past form, Silo's emphasis in its texture editing will be on workflow and speed, without adding unnecessary complexity. Silo 2.0's texture mapping implementation features an approach which allows the artist to use modeling tools already in place (such as break, smooth, and tweak) in combination with advanced unwrapping algorithms, to directly modify an object's UV coordinates.

A unified object management system is one of the core workflow advances of Silo 2.0, allowing you to select, sort, and work with the many parts that comprise your individual model. Look for major enhancements throughout all of Silo's dialogs and editors.

Silo has become known for a streamlined workflow that saves a step here, a step there, until you end up cutting your modeling time by significant margins. Version 2.0 of Silo includes many more of the workflow enhancements we've brought about in the past, allowing you to spend more time making your model look how you imagined it and less time making the software do what you want it to.

Look for further enhancements of tools, upgrades to the program's appearance and interface, and much more. We try to outdo every other company out there in involving our users in the development of our software, so please come by our forums and help direct the development of this exciting modeling package at

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关于大陆地区Rhino原厂培训中心 发表于 2008-4-12 14:30:12
:L :L :L :L   J大,这软件牛,你会吗?:Q :Q :Q :Q

:lol  我一个牛,头就:loveliness: 大了
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2008-4-12 20:37:20
只是一直都在关注这个软件,玩的并不熟练:lol ,polygon软件里面算是后起之秀 发表于 2008-4-13 09:04:00
:D  有空练 发表于 2008-4-13 09:16:15
只要是R4.0  就能用吗?
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2008-4-13 10:00:26
原帖由 于 2008-4-13 09:16 发表
只要是R4.0  就能用吗?

这个和R4没有什么关系,是个单独的Polygon细分建模软件. 发表于 2008-4-13 10:47:39
原帖由 jessesn 于 2008-4-13 10:00 发表


:D    sorry,我发的有点猛了  :funk:

以为是TS插件呢  ;P

现在找最新的犀牛 修正版去~:$
hj5v 发表于 2008-8-25 15:43:10
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