资讯 --- Grasshopper 0.8.0063 发布更新

62797 Jessesn 发表于 2011-11-24 12:01:04 楼主
本帖最后由 Jessesn 于 2011-12-19 22:41 编辑

Grasshopper 0.8.0063 主要更新内容
原厂下载地址: 下载Grasshopper 0.8.0063(如不能下载请使用使用大陆网盘下载)
大陆网盘下载地址:下载Grasshopper 0.8.0063

. Menu ShortCut preferences now have top-level menu names to the left of the list.
. Added a Voronoi Cell component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
. Added a 3D Voronoi component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
. Added a Closest Points component (Vector.Point dropdown).
. GeometryPipeline object now has a blank type filter by default.
. Output and Floating parameters now have Disconnect Recipients items in the menu.
. A default content filter level is now assumed rather than requested.

The Tabs would not properly lay-out and sometimes crash, this is fixed.
GeometryPipeline object would sometimes recompute from within a solution, this is fixed.
Cap Planar Holes component would return null if the brep was already closed, this is fixed.
The Null Item component would always return the wrong answer for validity, this is fixed.
Due to a Rhino SDK break some serious bugs crept into Grasshopper when running on Rhino5, these should be fixed.
Baking list of groups would result in faulty one-directional selection inclusions in Rhino, this is fixed.
GeometryPipeline object would ignore hidden objects, this is fixed.
Disconnecting parameter sources via the menu would not undo, this is fixed.
Pipe would create inside/out breps, this is hopefully fixed.
Colour Picker objects would not remember their colour, this is fixed.

Grasshopper 0.8.0062 主要更新内容
原厂下载地址: 下载Grasshopper 0.8.0062(如不能下载请使用使用大陆网盘下载)
大陆网盘下载地址:下载Grasshopper 0.8.0062
● Added Content Filter section to the Preferences (Interface section).
● All users will be asked to specify the level of content filtering in the Grasshopper GUI.
● Added Geometry Pipeline object for live object updates (Params.Geometry panel).
● Added Circle Tan Tan component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
● Added Circle Tan Tan Tan component (Curve.Primitive dropdown).
● Components which have been superceded by newer versions are now marked "Old".
● Added "Show Full Name" item to View menu.
● Coordinate Masks now support all possible permutations of x, y & z.
● Coordinate masks can now be created from text.
● The Stream Filter component now shows which index is streaming.
● Decompose Point component now has a Plane input.
● Point XYZ component now has a Plane input.
● Message Balloons are now drawn in screen space.
● Added an "Upgrade Legacy Components" item to the Solution menu.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to VB component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to C# component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Sort component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Clean Tree component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Simplify Tree component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Flatten Tree component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Explode Tree component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Weave component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Null Item component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Curve Closed component.
● Added auto-upgrade behaviour to Polygon Center component.
● Isocurve component now limits isocurves to the trimmed region.
○ Internalise wouldn't work on Point parameters, this is fixed.
○ Large strings in tooltips would not display in a useful fashion, this is fixed.
○ The Canvas Radial menu would pop up if space was pressed while inside a nested textbox, this is fixed.
○ Internalise data would fail to disassociate references in certain cases, this is fixed.

The Circle Tangency components won't work in Rhino5 until the next beta goes out.

Grasshopper 0.8.0061 主要更新内容:
大陆网盘下载地址:下载Grasshopper 0.8.0061
. User Objects would fail to deserialize themselves miserably, this is fixed.
. Set Multiple Curves would only allow you to select one, this is fixed.

Grasshopper 0.8.0060主要更新内容:
大陆网盘下载地址:下载Grasshopper 0.8.00600
1. Grasshopper can now serialize Curves, Meshes and Breps directly inside the gh/ghx file, meaning you can store this geometry inside parameters as opposed to merely referencing them from a Rhino document. You can ‘internalise’ referenced and generated geometry via the [Internalise Data] item in geometry parameter menus. Also, while picking geometry from the Rhino document, you can switch modes between [Reference] and [Copy]. [Reference] does the same as before, [Copy] will store a duplicate of the picked shape.
2. Variable Parameters can now be controlled by zooming in on the component in question. This new ZUI (Zoomable User Interface) replaces the old GUI which consisted of a pop-up window that was awkward to use to say the least. In the wake of this new ZUI some of the components that used to have variable parameters have been improved as well (Merge, Sort and Explode Tree most notably), but note that when opening old files you’ll still get the old components with the old GUI.
3. Due to sinister and magic incantations by our .NET SDK head honcho it should now be possible to run on Rhino4 without the new Microsoft runtimes. If this is not the case, we’d like to know.


Detailed list of changes since 0.8.0052:
. File format forwards compatibility has been broken. You might not be able to open files saved with 0.8.0060 on earlier versions.
. Added new Variable Parameter management (VPM) interface. Zoom in on components to get access to the new UI.
. Grasshopper solutions now run (by default) inside a Rhino undo record in case geometry is added to the scene.
. Added Solver category to Grasshopper preferences.
. Added Enable Solver checkbox to preferences window.
. Added Solver Undo checkbox to preferences window.
. Added Randomize options to the Gene-List object.
. Gene-Lists can now be saved in solution states.
. Gene-Lists now have init codes.
. Added a Colour Picker object (Params.Special dropdown).
. Added Points To Numbers component (Vector.Point dropdown).
. Added Numbers To Points component (Vector.Point dropdown).
. Added Weighted Average component (Math.Util dropdown).
. Added Populate 2D component (Vector.Grids panel).
. Added Populate 3D component (Vector.Grids panel).
. Added ‘Internalise Data’ menu item to parameter menus.
. Added intrinsic serialization support for Curves, Breps, Surfaces & Meshes.
. Curve getter now supports both Reference and Copy modes.
. Surface getter now supports both Reference and Copy modes.
. Brep getter now supports both Reference and Copy modes.
. Mesh getter now supports both Reference and Copy modes.
. Vector Display colours are now always affected by the Selected state.
. Added Default arrow head size option to the Vector Display component menu.
. Added Screen arrow head size option to the Vector Display component menu.
. Added Relative arrow head size option to the Vector Display component menu.
. Added Screen size scroller to the Vector Display component menu.
. Added Relative size scroller to the Vector Display component menu.
. Explode Tree component now implements the new VPM for output parameters.
. Explode Tree component now has a “Match Outputs” menu item that creates all required outputs.
. Explode Tree component now displays the data paths for each output.
. Merge component now implements the new VPM for input parameters.
. Merge component now automatically adds an additional input when the bottom-most input is connected.
. Stream Filter component now implements the new VPM for input parameters.
. Stream Gate component now implements the new VPM for output parameters.
. Weave component now implements the new VPM for input parameters.
. Pick’N'Choose component now implements the new VPM for input parameters.
. Sort component now implements the new VPM for input parameters.
. Sort component now has improved input/output name matching.
. VB and C# components now implement the new VPM for input and output parameters.
. It is now possible to zoom in on the canvas to 5000% instead of 1000%.
. The middle mouse button no longer deselects anything when it pops up the radial menu.
. Rotation transform formatting now includes axes descriptions in case of orthogonal axes.
. Exported Help topics would have an incorrect HTML header, this is fixed.
. Catenaries wouldn’t solve correctly when distance between end-points was large, this is fixed.
. Unsolved catenaries would result in a triangle chain with incorrect length, this is fixed.
. Mesh Smooth motion limit was reset per smoothing iteration, this is fixed.
. Certain types of canvas view animations were jittery, this is fixed.


David Rutten


Poprad, Slovakia
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wangjunxiong 发表于 2011-11-24 13:48:23
呵呵,顶起了!今天开始 用了!
archi-z 发表于 2011-11-24 18:07:54
feiyang199 发表于 2011-11-24 21:28:55
wujianfu814 发表于 2011-11-25 22:24:03
zdjdevil 发表于 2011-11-29 19:41:30
zdjdevil 发表于 2011-11-29 19:43:10
ben_neo 发表于 2011-12-17 01:18:34
安装使用了,loft 和sweep2 曲率稍大就跑不出结果。别的还没有试过。
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