3D渲染出是这样2张5323153232 RHINIO为什么渲染出是黑色的 增加了WIRE COLO53234我选的是53233不对还是怎么的 就是黑色的呢 要怎么办
dkm6526923 发表于 2011-6-17 17:58 
Hi 这个功能VrayForRhino SR1.5 并不能使用,在VrayForRhino 的更新说明中有详细的说明,我抓期中的一段给你看,
Known Issues in SR 1.5
+ The following channels are not fully functional yet:
* Wire Color - unknown why it is apparently not working
* Real Color - unknown why it is apparently not working
* Node ID - ASGVIS needs to implement means to set color to nodes ( Render Id channel may be of help )
* Material ID - ASGVIS needs to implement means to set color to individual materials
* Atmosphere - our product currently has no atmospherics so this channel will not be utilize
更详细的内容 http://bbs.rhino3d.asia/thread-3548-1-1.html
1 使用 Technical 显示模式抓图,然后再与你的Vray渲染图合成即可。 关于Technical显示模式参考下面的帖子
2 使用 CurvePiping 虚拟圆管插件, 将这些结构线变成 Mesh 直接渲染。CurvePiping 参考下面的帖子。
http://bbs.rhino3d.asia/viewthread.php?tid=8370&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D17 |