资料 --- T-Splines v3 beta2 发布更新

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613019 Jessesn 发表于 2010-12-24 14:17:13 楼主
本帖最后由 Jessesn 于 2011-3-19 09:57 编辑

T-Splines原厂在2月4日发布了T-Splines 3.0 WIP5测试版,原用户可以免费下载测试。使用者可以在这里下载32位元版本以及64位元版本安装程式,请注意使用者的Rhino 4.0必须是SR8,Rhino 5.0 WIP[/font必须是12月16日以后版本,并且要安装有T-Splines 2.0版本才能使用。

Download v3 Beta 2

01. 在升级此64位版本前,请先手动移除之前安装过的版本。
02. 开启由2.0版本制作含有对称特征的模型时,可能必须以tsSymmetry指令重新找回原来的对称方式。
03. 请将当掉后产生的讯息传回McNeel以协助修正错误。

New in Beta 2

  • There's a new HUD. It shows as a small tab in the viewport, as well as a dockable window. There are settings available from the _Options window. One new option is dynamic volume display.
  • The tsInfo command has been added. tsInfo brings up information about the current version, the license and updates.
  • Licenses can now be deactivated. To transfer a license to another computer, run ths tsInfo command and click the "Deactivate License" button. An internet connection is required. If deactivation succeeds, your activation key can be used to activate on another computer.
  • tsQuadball is a new primitive that approximates a sphere with a meshbox.
  • tsFromLines now always outputs a box-mode T-Spline. If you want to set t-points you can use tsLayout. If you want to set creases you can use tsCrease.
  • Border Edge UVNs are more consistent - U is always along the edge.
  • tsMerge selection of coincident edges is improved.
  • Deleting edges next to stars now behaves more predictably
  • Fixed a bug with whole-object selsets not replaying properly
  • SubdivideFaceExact was sometimes not exact near borders with smartgrips. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed several crashes with deleting edges.
  • Licensing fixes
  • Fixed several tsMatch bugs

    New in Beta 1
  • Major stability improvements
  • Tweak to manipulator, should hopefully not jitter as much in View mode
  • v2 Toolbar is now available (use Rhino's _Toolbar command to show it)
  • Made more of the commands translatable

    New in WIP 7 更新内容
  • Fixed many crashing bugs. Thanks for submitting those crash dumps to McNeel!
  • Lots of fixes for tsMatch. It's now also possible to do a midsurface match, but only G0.
  • When changing between compatible, fast, and fastest modes, star points weren't updating for objects in the document. This has been fixed.
  • Speed improvements for tsMatch and tsPipe
  • Picking in Rhino v5 now uses shaded picks properly
  • License activation should have fewer problems with VPNs
  • The mesher is now faster.

New in WIP 6 更新内容
  • tsSymmetry crash fixed
  • Some small improvements to tsMatch

New in WIP 5 更新内容

  • Undo uses significantly less memory, allowing more undo steps in most cases.
  • Undo/redo for dragging grips is faster
  • tsMatch has been rewritten. Please let us know if you find any problems. The main change is that refinement should now more reliably find a solution to within a given tolerance.
  • We added a 'tsShiny' display mode. We think it looks nice. If you don't have OpenGL acceleration on, it might not look quite as nice.
  • The tsPipe radius now controls the approximate radius of the smoothed result, rather than the box mode radius
  • Some meshing display problems in Rhino V5 are now fixed
  • Fixed some bugs in tsConvert (flipping surfaces) and tsConvertToRhinoSurf (not able to output a mesh)
  • Fixed some bugs where spurious red edges were showing, with errors about 0 knots
  • Fixed some Nurbs conversion bugs

T-Splines 3.0 WIP 4版的新增与改善:
01. 修正在Rhino 5.0的Shade模式中会显示为暗色曲面的错误。
02. 挤出指令现在能更稳定地作业,也已经不会再产生非流形(non-manifold)几何物件。
03. 载入T-Splines时也会自动载入Grasshopper的错误已修正。
04. 改善tsThicken指令产生厚度后物件的对称性。
05. 操作器的指标现在已更容易预测其位置。
06. tsExtractControlPolygon指令现在已放入下拉式功能表。
07. tsMesh指令不会再产生有外露边缘的网格。

提示:中文内容来源: http://surface3d.idv.tw, 如需转载请注明来源
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jackdesign 发表于 2010-12-24 15:14:28
idzt 发表于 2010-12-24 17:20:33
dpca 发表于 2010-12-24 21:20:00
teayang 发表于 2010-12-26 10:32:31
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2010-12-26 10:43:32
teayang 发表于 2010-12-26 10:32

TS 3 WIP版需要 TS2的 License, 确认你ts2的 License 的正确性。

teayang 发表于 2010-12-26 22:37:08
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2010-12-26 23:34:21
teayang 发表于 2010-12-26 22:37

如果你不是正当途径购买的Tsplines2,是没有办法获得合法的License,也就没有办法使用 Tsplines3。
PS: 更加直接的说,盗版用户,现在你是没有办法使用 Tsplines3
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2011-1-13 12:33:27
T-Splines v3 WIP 5 发布更新
simonchen 发表于 2011-1-13 13:28:13
如果你不是正当途径购买的Tsplines2,是没有办法获得合法的License,也就没有办法使用 Tsplines3。
PS: 更加直接的说,盗版用户,现在你是没有办法使用 Tsplines3
Jessesn 发表于 2010-12-26 23:34

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