资料 --- rhino插件资源

10613372 Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 21:51:28 楼主

3-D 模型:

RhinoART Convert artwork into geometry (插件)

ClayTools™ system Vrtual clay modeling with Rhino models. (Companion with Rhino support)

Modelagem Automotiva e de Produtos Rhino Princípios de modelagem e renderização (书籍)

Car Modeling Specialist Rhino modeller (Car Modeling Specialist) (Consultant)

New! The Outside Digital Art and Design digital design consultant (Consultant)

Freelance Car & Product Designer 2-D rendering & 3-D modeling (Consultant)

Studio Cruz 3D technical modeling and animation (Consultant)

Runtime DNA Online Graphics Community (服务)

POITRA 3-D models 3-D models and visualization services (服务)

VirtualCAD (免费) Free High-Detail 3D CAD Models (服务)

Mpavlos.Biz 3d model store, offering ready to use CG (Useful Link)

Personal Render (免费) Maquetes Eletrônicas! (Useful Link)

VECTORCLIP3D 3d relief clipart (Useful Link)

Vector Art 3D (免费) Dimensional Artistic Clipart (Useful Link)

Free Stuff (免费) 1000's of free models (Useful Link)

Ultra 3D (免费) FREE 3D furniture and lighting models (Useful Link)

3D Kingdom.org Free 3d models, 3ds max tutorials... (Useful Link)

Zumtobel Staff Lighting Models (免费) lights from Zumtobel Staff (Useful Link)

3D Millennium (免费) 3D Textures, Plans, Tutorials & More. (Useful Link)

Robert Q. Riley Enterprises (免费) Free Rhino models (Useful Link)

3D Models 3D Models (Useful Link)

3Dvalley.com (免费) Free 3D resource site (Useful Link)

Dosch Design - 3D Models and Textures 3D models, scenes and textures (其他)
3-D Painting:

GenoPal for Rhino (免费) The most popular Color Tool now in Rhino (插件)

Deep Paint 3D Interactive 3D Painting and Texturing (Companion with Rhino support)

[ 本帖最后由 jessesn 于 2007-10-8 22:01 编辑 ]


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 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 21:56:30

New! SPC for Rhino Section Property Calculator (插件)

ALGOR FEA software for exact Rhino geometry (插件)

Moldex3D-Mesh A powerful FEM mesh geneator (插件)

CADRCS Makes Radar Cross Section calculations (插件)

ASAP Optical modeling software (Companion with 3DM Support)

LucidShape Computer Aided Lighting (Companion with 3DM Support)

OptiCAD® Optical analysis - Illumination software (Companion with 3DM Support)

WinTherm Advanced thermal analysis for CAE (Companion with 3DM Support)

CADRE Pro FEA structural analysis software (Companion with Rhino support)

SC/Tetra Thermo-fluid Analysis System (Companion with Rhino support)

FRED Optical Engineering Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

Strand7® Finite Element Analysis Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

SectionCalc Calculate section properties graphically (Companion without 3DM Support)

FLUENT, Inc. Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

FLUENT, Inc. - UK Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

Geomagic Qualify Computer-Aided Inspection Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

lucernhammer Electromagnetic Signature Calculation (Companion without 3DM Support)

ToleranceCalc 2D tolerance stack-up analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)

Bongo 1.0 Animation for Designers (插件)

RhinoMan (免费) RenderMan compatible rendering plug-in (插件)

Maxwell Render, the light simulator Maxwell Render's plugin for Rhino (插件)

V-Ray for Rhino Advanced global illumination renderer. (插件)

Flamingo Raytrace and radiosity rendering (插件)

Extended Animation (免费) Workspace (Toolbar Layout)

NuGraf for large CAD rendering Multi-threaded ray tracing for Rhino (Companion with 3DM Support)

AIR Fast high quality rendering (Companion with Rhino support)

InstantViz for Rhinoceros (Companion with Rhino support)

Inovate Animation, Rendering, Modeling in one (Companion without 3DM Support)

Studio Quality Rendering An advanced tutorial CD by Gijs de Zwart (教程CD)

Auxpecker (免费) Material map for real time preview (Useful Link)

POV-Ray The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (Useful Link)

Renderosity Rhino online discussion forum (Useful Link)

afterlife.de Oganic textures for rendering. (Useful Link)

Realworld Imagery Texture maps and photorealistic clip art (Useful Link)

Texturama Seamless photographic texture collection (Useful Link)

EasySite for Rhino 3D Site Modeling and Visualization (插件)

Facade for Rhino Model 3D Buildings (插件)

For-Nurbs 1.0.2 (免费) Tensile Structure Form Finding (插件)

ParaCloud :: Generative Parametrics Add Generative Parametric Modeling Tools (Companion with Rhino support)

Masterwerkes / Digicarve carved ornament - modeling & production (服务)

[ 本帖最后由 jessesn 于 2007-10-8 22:02 编辑 ]
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:03:43

Form vs. Shape Advanced Training modeling strategies (教程CD)

Quickstart CD Flash Tutorial for Rhino Beginner (教程CD)

Scriptoceros (免费) Tutorial sugli script per Rhino (Online Tutorial)

Flamingo Visual TIPS A tutorial to learn how to use Flamingo (教程CD)

Rhino Visual Tips 4.0 DVD Real Time Video Training for Rhino 4 DVD (教程CD)

Rhino Visual Training (免费) Rhino on-line teacher. (Online Tutorial)

Secrets of Rhinoceros (免费) A Rhino tutorial (教程CD)

Modeling for the Marine Industry Advanced Boat design tutorial (教程CD)

Rhino 3D Tutorials on CD and Online 8 hours, view the 1st 3 chapters free (教程CD)

RhinoMold 3.0 Documents (免费) RhinoMold 3.0 Documents and Exercises (教程CD)

3DCADTips.com (免费) Rhino tips and tutorials site (Online Tutorial)

Create a Gravis PC GamePad (免费) 3D GamePad Tut (Online Tutorial)

Knife Cutter or Utility Knife (免费) How to model a Utility Knife (Online Tutorial)

Modeling and Mold Making for Jewelry Jewelry Design Tutorial (教程CD)

Pixelaya's Rhino video tutorials Video step by step tutorials (教程CD)

Printing in 3D with Rhino (免费) Guides to export files to a 3D Printer (Online Tutorial)

Rhino 3D Tutorials 8 Hour video training CD on Rhino (教程CD)

Rhino 4.0 and 2D Drafting (03/10/2006) (免费) Few commands about Rhino 4.0 and 2D (Online Tutorial)

Rhino CO2 Racecar Tutorial (免费) How to model a CO2 racecar (Online Tutorial)

Rhino Visual TIPS for Rhino 3.0 A tutorial CD with 350 video clips. (教程CD)

Rhino3D for Kids, California Mission Rhino Tutorial for kids by kids (教程CD)

Scan, Cleanup, Remodel (免费) Cleanup and rev. engineer a scanned mesh (Online Tutorial)

Shoe Design and Visualization (教程CD)

Studio Quality Rendering An advanced tutorial CD by Gijs de Zwart (教程CD)

Tutorial für CAD/Rhino-Einsteiger (免费) Führungshülse (Online Tutorial)

www.Rhino3D.TV (免费) Free Online Video Tutorials-Minicourses (Online Tutorial)

New! Modeling BMW in Rhino (书籍)

vbScript|RhinoScript for beginners (免费) How to become a happier person... (书籍)

Rhinoceros e la Modellazione NURBS Guida Completa (书籍)

Digitizing with MicroScribe Tutorial Digitizing with MicroScribe in Rhino (书籍)

Focus on Curves and Surfaces Curves and surfaces for beginners (书籍)

Let's begin Rhino Jewelry Version! (书籍)

New! LIBRO: Metodi di modellazione NURBS con Rhinoceros (书籍)

New! Progettare con... Rhinoceros V4 guida completa con esercizi passo passo (书籍)

Rhino 3.0 Level I and II Training Guides (书籍)

AMDPIU Studio di progettazione, modellazione 3d (Consultant)

Italian Rhino tutorials (免费) Rhino tutorials (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with Autodesk Inventor (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with Solid Edge (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with SolidWorks (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:05:35

ProtoWizard STL to NC File (插件)

madCAM 3D CAM in Rhino (插件)

RhinoCAM Fully integrated CAM plug-in for Rhino (插件)

Omega 3D with Rhino Plug-in 3D-Freiform CAM-Software (插件)

Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (插件)

NC Import for Rhino Imports commands from NC files (插件)

Bamboo Universal toolpath generation (插件)

DrillMatrix CAD/CAM for MultiDrilling Machines (插件)

GibbsCAM/Rhino Plug-in (免费) Transfer Rhino models to GibbsCAM (插件)

Horizon Line Closest points between two surfaces (插件)

RhinoProto 3D CAM for Rapid Prototyping (插件)

AUTON CAM 3D CAM for Mold-makers (Companion with 3DM Support)

CraftMill Cutting RP (Companion with 3DM Support)

Dolphin 3DCAM 3D Milling from Rhino models (Companion with 3DM Support)

OneCNC CAD/CAM Hybrid CAD/CAM (Companion with 3DM Support)

SprutCAM Powerful abilities under grace control (Companion with 3DM Support)

EZ-CAM CAD/CAM Programming System (Companion with 3DM Support)

 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:06:58
ADEM CAD/CAM 2-5 Axis Milling and Turning package (Companion with 3DM Support)

Millwizard 3 Axis Milling for only $250 (Companion with 3DM Support)

RAMS Software 2D & 3D CAM Software (Companion with 3DM Support)

PowerMILL Multi axis and High Speed Machining (Companion with 3DM Support)

VisualMill 5.0 2.5 through 5 Axis 3D Milling Software (Companion with 3DM Support)

AlphaCAM CAD/CAM Software for CNC (Companion with 3DM Support)

BobCAD-CAM Version 21 2D & 3D CAD-CAM Software (Companion with 3DM Support)

UniCAM CAM for Milling, Lathe and EDM (Companion with 3DM Support)

FreeMill, Free CAM software (免费) 3D CNC Software absolutly free (Companion with Rhino support)

SUM 3D 3D CAM FOR MOLD MAKERS (Companion with Rhino support)

Mayka SRP SRP Milling Software in 3/4/5 axis (Companion with Rhino support)

DeskProto 3D CAM software for Rapid Prototyping (Companion with Rhino support)

RhinoCAM Basic $999 Solid/Surface/STL CAM system for Rhino (Companion with Rhino support)

Cut3D - Quick & Easy 3D Model Machining Affordable 3D Machining (Companion with Rhino support)

StlWork Low Cost 3D CAM software (Companion with Rhino support)

FeatureCAM Feature- and Knowledge-Based CAM! (Companion without 3DM Support)

MeshCAM 3D Bitmap and STL toolpath generation (Companion without 3DM Support)

WorkNC Automatic CAM (Companion without 3DM Support)

Lemoine RTM © (Real Time Machining) RTM © (Real Time Machining) CAM module (Companion without 3DM Support)

EdgeCAM EdgeCAM CAM software (Companion without 3DM Support)

TOOLCHIPS 5 Modern product development, CAM software (服务)

CAD/CAM Desktop Manufacturing Systems CNC machines for industry, educ., hobby (硬件)

FlexiCAM 3 Axis CNC Routers & Engravers (硬件)

FROG3D Sculptural Enlargement Machines (硬件)

3d-e-Motion Machining System high speed machining of large items (硬件)


Precisecam CNC routers Affordable 3 axis CNC routers (硬件)

Polyworx Controlled Vacuum Infusion and RTM (Useful Link)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:08:02

Rhino 3.0 SDK (免费) Software Development Kit (插件)

Table Dimensions (免费) (FREE!) (插件)

openNURBS (免费) read and write Rhino's native 3DM files (Companion with 3DM Support)

Get3dmProperties (preview,history,notes) Get 3dm properties ecncGetRhinoInfo.dll (Companion with 3DM Support)

3DE - Jess Maertterer Development, Design and Modeling Service (服务)

Customized Rhino Plug-in Development Custom Rhino programming services (服务)

Rhino Programming Service A Cost-Effective Programming Service (服务)

AutoIt (免费) Automate any Windows-based task (Useful Link)

Macro Express A Windows automation tool (Useful Link)

Scripts for Rhino (免费) A few scripts that might be useful (Useful Link)

Mega-Tex Studios (免费) Using digital downloadable high resoluti (其他)

RackoDRAW Plugin per il disegno tecnico (插件)

RaVe Raster to Vector (插件)

Hatch patterns (免费) More than 500 free hatch patterns (Toolbar Layout)

Rhino 2D Drafting Symbols (免费) (Useful Link)

2D Zeichnungsrahmen von DIN A4 - DIN A0 (免费) 2D Zeichnungsrahmen von DIN A4 - DIN A0 (其他)

Isometric view match (免费) (其他)

WinLINE; HP-GL, GL2, RTL, & DMPL driver WinLINE is a Windows system printer (其他)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:09:29

LastElf A complete 3D e-Last solution (插件)

RhinoShoe 1.1 Footwear for Rhinoceros (插件)

EvaElf EVA injection mold solution (插件)

ImagineElf 3D Shoe design software (插件)

SHOT A complete application for shoemakers (插件)

Shoe Design and Visualization (教程CD)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:10:17

Math (免费) Parametric Curves and Surfaces (插件)

MatrixX (免费) AutoMate Rhino Processes (插件)

Rhino CommandPrompt expression evaluator (免费) Command Prompt expression evaluator (插件)

Rhino Thumbnail Viewer (免费) Rhino Thumbnail View Explorer extension (插件)

ObjectViewer (免费) Displays file grouping structure (插件)

SuperSelect (免费) Select objects with similar properties (插件)

BearMaker (免费) Automatical bear modeling soft (插件)

Mesh To Solid for Rhino Mesh to Solid converter (插件)

PROSECChino WS (WorkSpace & Utility) (免费) per Rhinoceros 2.0 e 3.0 (插件)

TireMaker (免费) Automatical tire modeling soft (插件)

SnapFitJoints Plug-In for calculating snap fit joints (插件)

ChangeAllViewports.rhp (免费) Plug-In zum schattieren aller Ansichten (插件)

filletclosepolyline (免费) make fillet in all kink of polyline clos (插件)

Horizon Construction Line V3.02 Closest points between two surfaces (插件)

New! Inverter Plugin (免费) 3D inversion with respect to a sphere (插件)

Mesh To Solid for Rhino Mesh to solid conversion plug-in (插件)

MeshCAD for Rhino Mesh editing and modeling plug-in (插件)

MeshCAD for Rhino Mesh editing and modeling plug-in (插件)

Rhino InLine Calculator/Unit converter (免费) Rhino comand prompt calculator (插件)

TerrainCAD for Rhino Terrain mesh modeling plug-in for Rhino (插件)

Visual Non-Uniform Scale (免费) Visual Non-Uniform Scale (插件)

Improve Curves (免费) VBscripts to manipulate Curves (Toolbar Layout)

Construction Line (免费) Easily create construction geometry (Toolbar Layout)

R.C. McDougle (免费) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)

Window Select By Type (免费) Toolbar (Toolbar Layout)

Window Select By Type (Rhino V3) (免费) (Toolbar Layout)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:10:58

GeoFrac2000 Realistic Landscape & Terrain Generator (Companion with 3DM Support)

Daylon Leveller Heightfield/bumpmap/terrain modeler (Companion with 3DM Support)

Lamina 1.0 Flexible unfolding and unrolling (Companion with 3DM Support)

RH_Systray Automatize any Rhino's batch process (Companion with Rhino support)

Rhino InLine Calculator (免费) Rhino InLine calculator (Companion with Rhino support)

DesignFOIL Airfoil/Wing Design & Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)

Stenza Greyscale Creation Software (Companion without 3DM Support)

Product Design Services We are into Product Design consultancy (服务)

SpaceMouse/SpaceBall 3D Motion Controller (硬件)

New! Astroid 3D Mouse Natural control of pan, zoom and spin (硬件)

Hydraulic Design James Carruthers' Rhino site (Useful Link)

Bakhter.com (免费) The best free resource for all your grap (Useful Link)

Design Directory Design Directory | made by designers for (Useful Link)

Korean Rhino User's Group Korean Rhino User's Group (Useful Link)

Rhino3D.SE (免费) Swedish forum for Rhino3D (Useful Link)

Viewpoint Rhino Supported File Format (Useful Link)

Harmony script (control object clusters) (免费) Align, Scale, Rotation, Randomization (其他)

Minimum Bounding Box (免费) (其他)

New! Parallels Desktop for Mac software Run Rhino in Windows on your Mac! (其他)

Render Mesh Optimizer (免费) (其他)
 楼主| Jessesn 发表于 2007-10-8 22:11:22


3D Web Export Export 3D models for viewing in webpage. (插件)

CATIA V4 3D Import Direct access to native Catia V4 files (插件)

UG 3D Import (插件)

PARASOLID 3D Import Imports Parasolid Parts and Assemblies (插件)

HPGL Reader 1.0 (免费) HPGL Import to Rhino (插件)

3DM Import for AutoCAD 3DM file import plug-in for AutoCAD (插件)

CADtoRhino Import for 3D Models (插件)

CATIA V4 2D Import (插件)





LucidShape LUG Import and Export (免费) Exchange Plugins from/to LucidShape (插件)

NC Import for Rhino NC program file import plug-in (插件)

Parasolid, Catia, VDA-FS, IGES Importer Powerful importer for various formats (插件)

PIX Import for Rhino Dr. Picza PIX file import plug-in (插件)

PLT Export for Rhino HPGL Plot (PLT) file export plug-in (插件)

PLT Import for Rhino HPGL Plot (PLT) file import plug-in (插件)



SOLIDWORKS 3D IMPORT Imports SolidWorks 3D files to Rhino V3 (插件)

BatchConverter toolbar (免费) Automatically file conversion (Toolbar Layout)

CatiaV43D To 3DM Without Rhino Write directly 3DM (batch) (Companion with 3DM Support)

SolidWorks/3DM import (免费) SolidWorks add-in to import 3DM file (Companion with 3DM Support)

3DWin 3D file converter with 3DM support (Companion with 3DM Support)

ACIS/IGES/Parasolid/ProE/STEP/VDA BREP solids to .3dm CAD importers (Companion with 3DM Support)

CATIA v4 to Rhino Converter from Okino Top quality access to CATIA v4 files (Companion with 3DM Support)

Inventor/DWG/IGES/SolidWorks/SolidEdge Native CAD to .3dm converters (Companion with 3DM Support)

JT Import/Export (via 'JT Open' Toolkit) Convert .3dm  JT files (Companion with 3DM Support)

Multi 3D Data Exchanger Import 3DM,Export Multi 3D CAD format. (Companion with 3DM Support)

Okino's PolyTrans & NuGraf Import/export, view & render 3D files. (Companion with 3DM Support)

CATIA v5 to Rhino Converter from Okino Top quality access to CATIA v5 files (Companion with Rhino support)

IronCAD - Rhino Integration (免费) Seamless Editing Between Both Systems (Companion with Rhino support)

PS-Exchange CAD data translation import CATIA ProE, UG, IDEAS, SW, SE etc (服务)

OBJ to 3DM (免费) Wavefront OBJ to 3DM converter (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with Autodesk Inventor (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with SolidWorks (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)

Using Rhino with Solid Edge (免费) White Paper (Useful Link)
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