ExtractAnalysisMesh: New command - Extracts an analysis mesh from an object. For example, use the CurvatureAnalysis command and then run ExtractAnalysisMesh to add the analysis mesh (with the vertex colors) to the document.
Properties, Viewport: New Two-Point Perspective option.
SetView: New Two-Point Perspective option.
ViewportProperties: New Two-Point Perspective option.
Line, Normal: Now only asks for surfaces when IngoreTrims=Yes. You can still pick individual surfaces in a polysurface.
MappingOn: Texture now updates in real time when widgets are moved or spinners on the mapping dialog are dragged.
MappingOn: The PointsOn command now turns mapping widget grips on.
OBJImportOptions command has been removed in favor of an options button on the File Open dialog.
BooleanDifference crash fixed.
DocumentProperties: The decimal-number-accepting edit boxes now support entering the number in fractional format. The number gets converted to decimal as soon as Rhino refreshes the edit box, but at least you can now type numbers like 1/256 and 3/8 without having to do the math yourself.
Extrude did not work properly using edges. This is fixed.
ExtrudeCrvTapered: When extruding planar curves, planar surfaces are created where possible instead of adding polysurface segments to the edges.
Open:DWG/DXF crash fixed.
Open:SolidWorks crash fixed.
OrientOnSrf: The Copy option incorrectly did not stick within the Rhino session. This is fixed.
Split crash fixed.
Sweep2: Incorrectly created twisted surfaces in some cases. This is fixed.
Texture Mapping: The texture mapping interface has been updated with many changes to the interface.