标题: T-Splines 2.0 Beta 4 发布测试 [打印本页] 作者: Jessesn 时间: 2009-4-25 11:39 标题: T-Splines 2.0 Beta 4 发布测试 更新项目:
Models with many star points will load much more quickly.
The help file has now been updated to reflect the 2.0 commands.
The T-splines display mesher now displays sharp creases better.
Selecting a tangency handle, then pressing the "delete" key now restores the tangency handle to its default position.
Exact operations with symmetry (ie tsInsertPoint exact mode, etc.) no longer crash Rhino, though they do turn off symmetry.
The plugin now runs normally on 8-core machines
Insert edge UI is now more consistent, and inserts reliably where you click.
tsThicken will no longer crash when a polysurface is selected for thickening. (The polysurface won't thicken, but now it also won't crash, either.)
Merging periodic surfaces now does a better job at matching isocurves.
T-splines normals are no longer flipped when the file is saved after mirroring.
Selection in shaded mode has been improved; it's now easier to select T-splines grips with the mouse.
Merge now exits after the first merge is performed.
tsUnweldVerts now switches to vertex selection when the command is entered.
Enabling/disabling hot keys no longer clears the selection.
Extract isocurves now works on T-splines as long there are no grips turned on.
The T-Splines Options pages have been consolidated; clicking the tsOptions icon now brings up the T-splines display options page.