- Region and BRep trimming components only outputted a single result
curve, this has been fixed.
- Curve and Surface planarity tests did not allow for minor
deviations, this has been fixed.
- Fixed a display bug with wire drawing, you should now less often get
the red-screen-of-death.
- Pull Point (project points onto generic geometry)
- Bounds (create a numeric interval which encompasses a list of
- Bounds 2D (create a two-dimensional numeric interval which
encompasses all x and y coordinates from a list of points)
- [Point List] now has an optional font size setting
- Alignment tools have been added to the toolbar (Ctrl+Click to also
distribute at the same time)
- Alignment widget is now drawn around the selection set. This feature
is in development, it needs more work. You can disable this widget via
the View->Widgets menu.
- Script components can now output data in non-native data types. This
allows for sharing of custom data between scripts.
- Script components can now output data trees (see example here: http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d/web/DataTreeExamples_VB_...
- Shaders can now create themselves from colours, so you no longer
have to use the [Create Shader] component, unless you want to control
transparency/shine etc.
- Grasshopper now ships with the debugger pdb files, which might
provide us with more accurate crash reports in the future.