1、[ALT]+[R] toreset your camera重置摄像机
2、AdjustEnvironment Brightness: [UP ARROW] (increase) and [DOWN ARROW] (decrease) [LEFTARROW](slight decrease) and [RIGHT ARROW] (slightincrease). Adjusts the HDRIbrightness (lightingintensity) on the model without affecting the HDRI imageappearance in your HyperShot scene. This does
not affect the backplate image.
3、Toggle SelfShadowing on/off: [S]. Toggles object self-shadowing (objects casting shadows
on themselves and other objects) on andoff.
4、Toggle Ground:[G]. Toggles the ground plane on and off.
5、RotateEnvironment Image: [CTRL]+left-click+drag. Rotates the HDRI image horizontallyabout the
scene’s center (y-axis). This allows you to reposition the lightsource and the reflections onto the object in
realtime. The shadowswill update upon release of the mouse button.
6、ResetEnvironment Image Position: [CTRL]+[R]. Resets the HDRI image to its defaultposition.
• Moving objects on the ground plane (xz): [SHIFT] + [ALT] + LeftMouse Button Click + Drag to move the object on the ground plane or a planeparallel to the ground plane when the object is not sitting on the
• Move objects up ordown (y): [SHIFT] + [ALT] + [Command]+ Left Mouse Button Click + Drag to movethe object up or down in the scene.
• Rotate objectsaround y-axis (vertical up direction): [SHIFT] + [ALT] + Middle Mouse ButtonClick + Drag to quickly rotate the object around the vertical axis in the scene(y-axis).
• Rotate objects freely: [SHIFT] + [ALT] + [Command] + Middle MouseButton Click + Drag to rotate
objects freely in the scene.
• Scale objects:[SHIFT] + [ALT] + Right Mouse Button Click to scale the object.
缩放模型作者: 小王帝 时间: 2009-3-12 18:35
• Tumble camera: [ALT] - left-click+drag. Rotates the current camera about the center of the
HyperShot scene or around the camera’s defined rotation (look at) point.
• Pan camera: [ALT] - middle-click+drag (or [ALT]+right-click+drag). Translates (moves without rotating) your
Camera in the current viewing plane while staying focused on the current “look at” point.
• Dolly camera: [ALT] - right-click+drag. Moves the camera to and from the object and the current “look at”
ALT+右键 前后推移摄像机 有时不行就用ALT+中键滚动
• Camera focal length (Zoom): [ALT]+scroll mouse wheel. Changes the camera’s focal length. To see the
effect, dolly the camera in or out after adjusting the focal length. The current value is captured in the
camera tab, or can be seen by displaying the heads-up display [H].
• Tilt camera: [CTRL]+[ALT]+scroll mouse wheel. Rotates the camera about its own Z-axis (the
equivalent of spinning a camera around while keeping it in the same location with its lens
pointed in the same direction). The value is captured in the camera tab, and can be changed by
typing in any number (degrees).
CTRL+ALT+中间滚动 旋转画面
• Reset camera: [ALT]+[R]. Resets the current camera to its default position, orientation, and focal
length. If you are resetting a custom camera, then the camera will revert to the settings it had when
you created the camera.
ALT+R 重置摄像机
• Save camera: [ALT]+[C]. Saves a new custom camera to your HyperShot scene with the current
[ALT]+[C] 保存摄像机
• Cycle through all cameras: [ALT]+[N]. Cycles through all of the cameras saved in your HyperShot
• Pick camera pivot point: [ALT]+[CTRL]+right-click. Select the point around which the camera will
rotate (tumble).
选择中心视点作者: 小王帝 时间: 2009-3-12 18:36 12、环境菜单
• Background Color:Clicking the Background Color button opens a standard color picker, which
allows you to specifya background color for your HyperShot scene. This color becomes visible
when you make theenvironment image invisible (see below). Note that the environment image
will continue tolight your scene and reflect in your object even though it is invisible.
• VisibleEnvironment: Checking the Visible Environment checkbox makes the HDRIenvironment
image visible, andvice-versa. You can also toggle HDR visibility on and off by pressing [E].Turning
off the environmentallows your selected background color (see above) to appear.
• Brightness:Entering a value in this field increases or decreases the brightness of theenvironment
image on the 3Dobject(s) in your HyperShot scene. 1 is the default number. You can alsoincrease
the brightness bypressing [RIGHT ARROW] or decrease it by pressing [LEFT ARROW].
• Gamma: Entering avalue in this field increases or decreases the gamma of the HDRI image on the
3D object(s) in yourHyperShot scene. 1 is the default number. Changing the gamma of the environment
images may take sometime to calculate. It is recommended that you change the gamma in
0.05 increments toevaluate the results.
• Ground Shadows:Checking the Ground Shadows checkbox causes 3D objects in your HyperShot
scene to cast shadowson the ground. Clearing this checkbox results in the 3D objects casting no
shadow on the ground.You can also toggle this option by pressing [G].
• Ground Reflections:Checking the Ground Reflections checkbox causes the ground to reflect the
3D objects in yourscene.
• Flatten Ground:Checking the Flatten Ground checkbox flattens the bottom half of the sphericalHDRI
image against theground level in your HyperShot scene. The sphere will take on a “gum drop”shape.
You will notice thatthe environment image may get distorted, which will affect how the environmentis
reflected in theobject. Determine for yourself based on the environment whether this isdelivering the
desired result. Thiscan be advantageous when creating images with a backplate. Flattening theground is
usually notrecommended when working with a backplate image.
• Radius: Entering anumber in the Radius field increases or decreases the radius of the sphere the
object(s) arepositioned in. The light intensity from the environment image will not changeon the
object(s), no matterthe sphere size.
环境的半径,改变大小,但不改变对物体的光照作者: 关于¥ 时间: 2009-3-12 18:44
沙发顶~~~~~~~~~~`:up作者: 小王帝 时间: 2009-3-12 18:45
关于 学习 很积极啊 :up :up作者: Jessesn 时间: 2009-3-12 20:05
:up ,支持一下作者: Icecube100 时间: 2009-3-12 23:12
支持@@!!!!作者: marslyk 时间: 2009-3-13 13:07
支持好资料:wakeUp作者: vinyou 时间: 2009-3-17 16:04
支持版主,版主加油作者: Tonway 时间: 2009-3-21 21:23
顶,辛苦了!作者: 瞳影 时间: 2009-4-15 11:53
:up 顶啊~什么时候有完整的汉化呢?作者: waitingalone 时间: 2009-4-15 15:43
正式汉化的貌似等个几年吧,现在这软件还没正式,老是升级,技术还是不很成熟。等高人自己写的汉化吧·作者: Yakamoz 时间: 2009-4-15 20:17
谢谢楼主 :up作者: hi-ha 时间: 2009-4-15 23:08
:up 谢谢作者: eway33 时间: 2009-4-16 16:01
支持版主,版主加油:up :up作者: 飞鱼 时间: 2009-5-13 11:37
:playUp ...支持你大哥.作者: 老百姓 时间: 2009-5-13 16:18
好东西,顶顶:soso作者: longfr001 时间: 2009-5-30 22:03
谢谢,辛苦了。。。作者: designtomorrow 时间: 2009-6-1 20:50
支持一个……:up作者: lxaaron 时间: 2009-6-2 20:03
:up..太强大了。。。非常感谢啊!!作者: wangfenggang 时间: 2009-6-7 16:01
支持,收藏咯作者: sarah5miao 时间: 2009-6-23 08:43
辛苦了:up作者: happylhy 时间: 2009-7-2 15:04
:victory: \(^o^)/~作者: jack 时间: 2009-7-20 08:24
多谢楼主分享!作者: ljking000 时间: 2009-7-20 09:35