
标题: V-Ray Render Option的一點建議 [打印本页]

作者: My    时间: 2008-10-7 01:19
标题: V-Ray Render Option的一點建議
本帖最后由 Jessesn 于 2017-5-7 17:16 编辑


I've been asked many times what are "good" V-Ray settings. Of course, there is no universal answer and it depends on the desired render speed and quality, but here is a set of settings that I have found to work very well for still images in many situations. Please note that these settings are not optimal, in the sense that with enough tweaking, you can probably get similar quality with faster render times. The beauty of these settings though, is that they require almost no tweaking and you are guaranteed to get a nice result in the end.

Provided that you start with a default V-Ray render

In the Image sampler rollout, switch to "Adaptive QMC".
在圖像采樣卷展欄下,開啟"Adaptive QMC".

Set the "Max. subdivs" to 100 (one hundred). Leave the "Min. subdivs" to 1.
"Max. subdivs"設為100, Min. subdivs值為1不變

Set the primary GI engine to QMC GI. Do not change the subdivs.
將初次引擎設為QMC ,不要更改它的細分值

Set the secondary GI engine to Light cache.
二次引擎設為Light cache.

Set the light cache interpolation samples to 5.
Light cache的插值采樣設為5

Set the QMC Sampler "Adaptive amount" to 1.0.
QMC采樣卷展欄下的Adaptive amount設為1

Un-check the "Clamp output" option in the Color mapping rollout.
在色彩貼圖卷展欄下不勾選Clamp output選項

Typically you will need to adjust the Noise threshold as the default produces too much noise. A good value is 0.001.
通常情況下,你可能需要調整Noise threshold,因為默認值會産生很多的躁點,比較好的Noise threshold0.001

To control render quality vs render time:
Adjust the QMC Noise threshold. Lower values reduce noise, but increase render times.
調整QMC Noise threshold,值越小躁點就越少,但會延長渲染時間
Adjust the light cache subdivs. This is scene dependent, but usually values from 1000 to 5000 are enough for most scenes. You can also adjust other light cache parameters as necessary.
調整light cache卷展欄下的細分值,這個值要取決於場景的需要,但通常在10005000之間已經可以滿足大部分地場景需要了.如果有必要,你也可以調整其他的light cache參數.

Turn on or off reflective/refractive GI caustics as needed.

Optionally turn on the "Use light cache for glossy rays" option to speed up glossy reflections.
可以打開"Use light cache for glossy rays選項來加速模糊反射的渲染

You may want to adjust the render region (bucket) size for faster feed-back.

Leave all subdivs anywhere at their default values. They won't have any effect anyways - the 100 AA subdivs will almost certainly override everything else.


For builds of V-Ray before 1.49.30, DO NOT use color mapping other than Linear. Otherwise, you risk to get an incorrect result in the end. If necessary, apply color correction in post. You can change the dark/bright multipliers, provided that you leave both at the same value.

Avoid using sharpening AA filters. They can make the noise more apparent.

Advantages of these settings:
Very little parameters for controlling render quality.

Work for a very large number of scenes.
Typically produce high-quality results.

Disadvantages of these settings:
May be slow to render. With tweaking, you may get faster results.

How it works:
The high AA subdivs essentially causes all the sampling to be performed by the image sampler. It will take as many samples per pixel as required to achieve the specified noise threshold. In many ways, this is similar to PPT, but is done on a per-bucket basis and the number of samples is adaptive.


作者: My    时间: 2008-10-7 01:21
I've been asked many times what are "good" V-Ray settings. Of course, there is no universal answer and it depends on the desired render speed and quality, but here is a set of settings that I have found to work very well for still images in many situations. Please note that these settings are not optimal, in the sense that with enough tweaking, you can probably get similar quality with faster render times. The beauty of these settings though, is that they require almost no tweaking and you are guaranteed to get a nice result in the end.

Provided that you start with a default V-Ray render

In the Image sampler rollout, switch to "Adaptive QMC".
在圖像采樣卷展欄下,開啟"Adaptive QMC".

Set the "Max. subdivs" to 100 (one hundred). Leave the "Min. subdivs" to 1.
"Max. subdivs"設為100, Min. subdivs值為1不變

Set the primary GI engine to QMC GI. Do not change the subdivs.
將初次引擎設為QMC ,不要更改它的細分值

Set the secondary GI engine to Light cache.
二次引擎設為Light cache.

Set the light cache interpolation samples to 5.
Light cache的插值采樣設為5

Set the QMC Sampler "Adaptive amount" to 1.0.
QMC采樣卷展欄下的Adaptive amount設為1

Un-check the "Clamp output" option in the Color mapping rollout.
在色彩貼圖卷展欄下不勾選Clamp output選項

Typically you will need to adjust the Noise threshold as the default produces too much noise. A good value is 0.001.
通常情況下,你可能需要調整Noise threshold,因為默認值會産生很多的躁點,比較好的Noise threshold0.001

To control render quality vs render time:
Adjust the QMC Noise threshold. Lower values reduce noise, but increase render times.
調整QMC Noise threshold,值越小躁點就越少,但會延長渲染時間
Adjust the light cache subdivs. This is scene dependent, but usually values from 1000 to 5000 are enough for most scenes. You can also adjust other light cache parameters as necessary.
調整light cache卷展欄下的細分值,這個值要取決於場景的需要,但通常在10005000之間已經可以滿足大部分地場景需要了.如果有必要,你也可以調整其他的light cache參數.

Turn on or off reflective/refractive GI caustics as needed.

Optionally turn on the "Use light cache for glossy rays" option to speed up glossy reflections.
可以打開"Use light cache for glossy rays選項來加速模糊反射的渲染

You may want to adjust the render region (bucket) size for faster feed-back.

Leave all subdivs anywhere at their default values. They won't have any effect anyways - the 100 AA subdivs will almost certainly override everything else.


For builds of V-Ray before 1.49.30, DO NOT use color mapping other than Linear. Otherwise, you risk to get an incorrect result in the end. If necessary, apply color correction in post. You can change the dark/bright multipliers, provided that you leave both at the same value.

Avoid using sharpening AA filters. They can make the noise more apparent.

Advantages of these settings:
Very little parameters for controlling render quality.

Work for a very large number of scenes.
Typically produce high-quality results.

Disadvantages of these settings:
May be slow to render. With tweaking, you may get faster results.

How it works:
The high AA subdivs essentially causes all the sampling to be performed by the image sampler. It will take as many samples per pixel as required to achieve the specified noise threshold. In many ways, this is similar to PPT, but is done on a per-bucket basis and the number of samples is adaptive.


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