假如用IM的G的物体是可见的,(比如,在一个室内场景中),那么我的习惯是吧色彩阈值设为0.15,并增加取样值到64, 128, 256 or 512. 以下似乎用处不大,用ps就可以了,懒得翻了,自己看吧。 一些评论: 但按照此教程设置我似乎有些问题,可能vfr1.0的版本有些变化吧,尤其是灯光的数值,默认强度1根本不管用,而是要设置到成百上千才看得出效果,另外默认的GI设置是sky,这个光源非常强,有些太强了,你打灯光根本看不出来,我还以为这个渲染器坏掉了。 另外作者背景用的蓝色与黄的色彩的一个渐变,似乎是灯光所打出来,不过我调不出这么好的效果。
Color mapping The human eye color mapping function is exponential - we can see details in deep shadows and in bright light. In the past, I have mostly used the "exponential" mapping for my projects. A new expontial mode is now possible - "Reinhard". The pure "exponential" color mapping function is too strong and the images look a little dull without postwork. The "Reinhard" color mapping mode allows you to choose a burn value to get the right balance between too much and too little contrast. The tutorial images show the new "Reinhard" color mapping and burn value 0.8.
The final rendering Image 12 is rendered with 8 subdivs for the shadows of the rectangular lights. The previous images are a little dark so I have set the brightness multiplier of "Reinhard" color mapping to 1.2.
Update: Physical correct and Gamma corrected Here an update of the scene. The scene is setup for Gamma 2 now, my favourit Gamma value, because it is placed between Windows engine typical Gamma 2.2 and Mac engine typical Gamma 1.8. Following options are changed:
- global gamma at 2
- wood gamma at 0.45 (see TutorialG)
The scene lighting is softer with gamma 2, so I have disabled the environment light and changed a little bit the ratio between the two lights. Also I have lower the saturation of the wood texture per photo software. The noise threshold is at higher level from 0.005 at 0.012, because the new setup dosn’t see a so strong threshold. Also I have set the subdivs of lights a little bit higher at 12 to avoid some IM noise. I can not direct compare the rendertimes, because a new PC is used, but the new times between the old scene and the new one are 96 s and 46 s. The gamma corrected setup calculate the scene much faster. A slight s-curve at the fame buffer curve correction enhance the contrast.
Scene rendered in gamma corrected mode:
Befor we have used a 0.8 multiplier for the texture. Easier is to set the global secondary GI engine multiplier at 0.8.
Attached the scene and the texture map.
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