下面是PanelingTools研发工程师 Rajaa 所写的邮件,关于April 14 2010版本更新摘要中提到的这个问题,如果你在下载Panelingtools的时候有填写你的邮件,你也应该可以查到下面的内容
There has been a confusion about the naming and difference between ptGridSurfaceUV and ptGridSurfaceDomain commands and therefore I changed names to ptGridSurfaceDomain and ptGridSurfaceDomainExact instead. The difference between the two is explained well in the manual. It is mainly related to when you divide a surface domain by number. The first command divides base isocurves to equal size intervals regardless of the underlying surface structure while the second follows surface domain literally.作者: marcowoo 时间: 2010-7-25 19:08
噢!原来如此。谢谢J大!作者: marcowoo 时间: 2010-7-25 20:55 本帖最后由 marcowoo 于 2010-7-25 20:56 编辑